151 | The Transcendent Rant (Chapter 4)
Join us this week for our next "Transcendent Rant." This week we address being lost and tossed around in the craziness and chaos we're experiencing in the world today. And we look at two ways we can avoid getting caught up in it.
150 | Transcending Disappointment
This week we discuss disappointment. And how the speed of life, aiming at the wrong target and living a life of excess can play roles in just how disappointed we are.
149 | TS002 | Transcending Stories - Part 2
This week we jump back into our series on fostering. We pick up the story in a strange place - after an unexpected event during the holidays.
148 | Transcending Brainwashing
This week we dive into the idea of brainwashing - and whether or not we experienced it growing up. Can we differentiate between that and basic parenting? And what does the future hold when we believe we were brainwashed?
147 | Transcending Control
What does it look like to be part of a cult? What is authoritarian control? And how can we recognize the dangers - and live differently?
146 | Transcending the Good Old Days
Here we go! Season 4 is officially underway. Today we talk about "The Good Old Days" and our desire to go back to the way things were. Nothing wrong with being nostalgic - but obsessing over it can lead to resentment, selfish behavior and often polarization.
145 | The Transcendent Podcast (BONUS EPISODE)
In this BONUS episode I address listener questions about the mechanics of podcasting. We discuss the 5 Laws of Podcasting and how that played out for the Transcend Human Podcast.
144 | The Transcendent Rant (Chapter 3)
Have you ever got stuck on the fact that everything on earth dies? Everything has a beginning, and everything has an end? That's where I got stuck a few weeks ago - and I wanted to flesh it out with you.
143 | Transcending Passion
When you hear the word passion - what comes to mind? This week as we discuss the things we're passionate about, the shadow careers most of us find ourselves in and how to determine if our passions are healthy or not.
142 | Transcending Thanksgiving
Join us this week for a special holiday episode. Thanksgiving is more than thanks, and it's more than giving. It's a lifestyle we can live all year long.
141 | Transcending the Decades
This week we're doing something a little different. I recently turned 52. I'm 100% Generation X. And I've lived through 5 pretty incredible decades. Join me for a little walk down memory lane.
140 | Transcending Deconstruction as Recovery
This week we discuss a new take on deconstruction. Looking at it through the lens of the 12 Step Recovery process. Are the two similar in any way? Could the process of deconstruction and recovery literally mirror each other? Join us as we find out.
139 | TS001 | Transcending Stories - Part 1
This week kicks off a new series documenting our journey to become Foster Parents. Join Tammy and I as we discuss why we became a Resource Family, the process we went through and how we got our first little kiddo.
138 | Transcending Addiction
This week is highly personal. I walk through my addiction story - and what recovery has looked like for me. This was and is a big part of my life - and as of August this year I passed 5 years of sobriety! The future looks bright.
137 | Transcending Crises
Crises happen. We don't get to decide when, or how bad they are. And when they arise they typically take the form of a Best Bad Choice or an Irreconcilable Good. Join us as we work through this topic and see if there are ways to be prepared for crises before they arrive.
136 | Transcending the Bubble
Do you remember the cliques in high school? Were you part of one? If so, this episode is for you. This week we discuss the "bubbles" we get caught up in - and how popping them might be the best course of action.
135 | Transcending Perception
This week we look at our perceptions - and how they form our reality - even if that reality isn't true. How can we see through these perceptions, and challenge them, in order to see the world around us more clearly?
134 | Transcending Hell
This week we dive into the underworld. We discuss the Big 3 Questions, and how hell is a big part of the third question. Our eternal destination being either heaven or hell. But can our view of hell actually be detrimental to our view of God? Join us as we unravel the mystery.
133 | Transcending Content
This week we dive into the world of communication and content creation. How have things changed over the years? What does it mean to be a credible witness when creating content? And how do we navigate the chaotic future of content?
132 | The Transcendent Rant (Chapter 2)
Join us this week for our next "Transcendent Rant." This week we address the aftermath of the Transcendent Deconstruction Series, we discuss Letting Go and Letting God. And I update everyone on our next phase of life as Foster Parents.