132 | The Transcendent Rant (Chapter 2)


Date: September 12, 2022

Welcome back to the podcast!!!

Last week we wrapped up our series on Transcendent Deconstruction - and I mentioned that we would be discussing content this week.

Well - that isn't going to happen.

We're going to push Transcending Content out a week or two - because life happens.

This week has been one for the history books. Both in terms of the difficult things and the amazing things that took center stage.

I jumped in a few times and started my research on content - only to get pulled away or to have my brain tell me, "Nope, sorry - ain't happening today."

And before I knew it the weekend had come and gone. With no episode recorded.

So out of necessity - we're throwing in another Transcendent Rant.

Me - with a hot mic - going through a few topics that are front of mind right now.

So that said, let's jump in and see where this one goes.

Today's Topic: The Transcendent Rant (Chapter 2)

  1. Deconstruction summary

  2. Letting go and letting God

  3. Fostering has become a reality

Let's land the plane:

Thanks for indulging me in another Transcendent Rant - this one turned out to be much more personal than the last one 🙂 which ended up being a primer on Eschatology...

I'm hoping to get back on track next week with another felt need topic.

But I'm also going to put some pressure on Tammy - to see if she'll join me to talk about our Foster Parent Journey.

So many good things coming down the line.

And so thankful to all of you who are long for the ride with us.

Until next time, have a great week, and as always, keep Transcending Human!


  • My brain alone this week…


133 | Transcending Content


131 | Transcendent Deconstruction - Part 5: The Transcendent Future