191 | TTT015: New Plan Initiated
This week we discuss going in a whole new direction. Stepping away from the Trilogy in order to focus on a Standalone - though one with strong ties back to the Big Idea.
190 | TTT014: Rethinking Everything
This week we discuss my continued work on Act I of my WIP. But then things take a strange turn as I wrestle with my progress, and the idea of writing a separate book first.
189 | TTT013: Live Writing Masterclass & The Story Grid Blueprint
This week we discuss a live master class I attended and the existential crisis it created for me regarding my Big Idea.
188 | TTT012: Harry Potter Masterwork Analysis & My Writing Progress
This week we discuss Story Grid Resources, the Harry Potter Masterwork Analysis Guide, and recent progress on my WIP.
187 | TTT011 | New Ground, New Problems & New Ideas
This week we discuss editing existing content vs. creating new content. I identify some problems along the way. And we discuss some new resources I found since our last time together.
186 | TTT010 | Writing the Hemingway
This week I talk about my writing style, where it came from, and how I use the HemingwayApp in order to keep myself in check. We also talk through the first Sequence, and discuss a World Building snag I ran into.
185 | TTT009 | Here We Go!
This week I make it official. I start writing again. Not planning, not plotting, not outlining - just straight up writing. Yes, there will be ongoing research, and outlining in order to ensure the story heads in the right direction. But this week I wrote my first scene - and I can't tell you how good it feels to be back at it.
184 | TTT008 | Internal vs. External Storylines
This week we stop short - to explore a new concept that is challenging my original plotting style. The idea that it is better to develop an Internal Storyline first - then add the External Storyline ONLY to ensure that the internal change happens correctly in your Protagonist. It's a different way of looking at things - but it also sounds right to me.
183 | TTT007 | World Building 101
This week we move into world building - something I completely forgot about until I realized my story takes place 100 years in the future. So yes - world building is going to be a prerequisite...
182 | TTT006 | Lost In Planning Mode
This week we continue to plan - or plot - whatever works for you. We discuss how planning can make a mess and that you can get lost in the process. But with every mess comes new possibilities - new opportunities for growth and progress toward your goal.
181 | TTT005 | The Big Idea
This week we look at the Big Idea itself. We start high level with Genre and Story Structure - then discuss a few categories the story falls into - and eventually we talk turkey - on what the story looks like.
180 | TTT004 | Outlining & Planning
This week we look a bit closer at some of the novel plotting methodologies. Then I discuss the strategy I've chosen - and round things out by talking through the spreadsheet I'm going to use to plan out the entire trilogy.
179 | TTT003 | Plotting vs. Pantsing
This week we look at two high level writing styles. I bet you can't tell which camp I'm in. Yes - I'm a Plotter - and in this episode I discuss the rationale behind my plan for book outlining.
178 | TTT002 | Choking On My Big Idea
This week we look at the writing process. How many people successfully write a novel? And how much harder would it be to write a trilogy? We wrap things up by talking about math - and the Math of Storytelling.
177 | TTT001 | The Back Story
Here we go! Our first official episode documenting my journey writing a fiction novel. This week we kick things off with The Back Story. How drinking isn't always a bad thing, how I made progress without much effort and how I stalled out early on.
176 | Transcending Your Brand (Season 5 Opener)
Welcome to Season 5! This year we embark on an entirely new journey. Transcend Human has been going strong for 4 years - but this year it gets a makeover. Join me this week as I cast vision for that change and together we'll dive into the abyss - and see where it takes us.
175 | Transcending Seasons (Season 4 Finale)
This week is the last episode of Season 4. Together we talk about where we've been, where we are and where we're going in the future. That goes for each of us - and the Transcend Human Podcast as well.
174 | Transcending God's Image
This week we discuss what it means to be created in the Image of God. We're definitely not Omnipotent, Omnipresent or Omniscient. But how are we like God? And could it be that our relational nature, and our creativity are part of that list?
173 | Transcending Currency
This week we look at money. Where it came from, how it has grown, and how it impacts each and every one of us. We talk capitalism, and we discuss how moving from traditional to digital currency allows the government a level of control that makes the whole Mark of the Beast thing possible.
172 | Transcending Perfektionism
Do you struggle with needing things to be perfect? Today we discuss the Human Condition, the Sin Virus, temptation and how these play a role in our mental health - specifically a tendency toward perfectionism.