138 | Transcending Addiction


October 31, 2022

Minute of Transparency: The Entire Episode :)

Today's Topic: Transcending Addiction

  1. Why today?

  2. Family history

  3. My upbringing

  4. Early experimentation

  5. College and subsequent phases

  6. Holier than thou with wife and friends

  7. Giving in after cholesterol and back issues

  8. The drinking years (details) and attempts to stop

  9. How I eventually stopped

  10. The road to recovery and sober me

Let's Land the Plane:

No questions this week. An episode like this is what it is. It's the past - my past.

But it's also a hope-filled story - because my future looks much brighter than my past.

And if you're struggling - just know there is hope for you too.

Just do the next right thing:

  • Get help

  • Talk to someone

  • Get a therapist

  • Go to AA

  • But create your program and start the process today

  • Right now - like get up and go empty out every bottle in the house

No excuses. Be done.

Love you all - thank you for indulging me in this deeply personal episode.

See you next week!

Oh ya - and keep Transcending Human!


139 | TS001 | Transcending Stories - Part 1


137 | Transcending Crises