CDT10 | Becoming a CDT Ambassador
This week we wrap up the Conscience Driven Therapy series by talking about the ways it can be used: In your life. In the life of your family. And in the world.
TP10 | Transcendent Parenting | Ruthless Parenting Assessment - Part 2
This week the McMullen Clan sits around the dining room table to talk things over. We ask the kids to assess our parenting skills. And to be honest about what we did right and where we missed the mark.
TP09 | Transcendent Parenting | Ruthless Parenting Assessment - Part 1
This week the McMullen Clan sits around the dining room table to talk things over. We ask the kids to assess our parenting skills. And to be honest about what we did right and where we missed the mark.
TP08 | Transcendent Parenting | The After Life
This week we talk about life after kids. What it looks like to have adult children and the new role you can play as they start families of their own. We also talk about ways we can support the community at large.
TP07 | Transcendent Parenting | Prep For Launch
This week we talk about some of the foundational principles we can instill in our children. Everything from the Golden Rule, to managing their money. And all this while moving from parent to a coach.
TP06 | Transcendent Parenting | Making Memories
This week it's all about the memories. The good, the bad and the ugly. But more than that - it's about making memories with other people - and being able to look back and laugh about things - even things that weren't fun at the time.
TP05 | Transcendent Parenting | Sell Your Helicopter
This week we address what it means to be a Helicopter Parent. We've all been there, and done that. But it's time to sell the helicopter and allow our kids to think for themselves. Only then will they grow and mature into the adults you want them to be.
TP04 | Transcendent Parenting | Parenting Plan of Attack
This week we jump into some of our foundational parenting concepts. Join us as we talk about Proactive Parenting. What it looks like to provide a Just-Love Culture in your home. And how to make your home a Safe Place.
TP03 | Transcendent Parenting | Parenting Through the Stages
This week we take a stroll down memory lane - stopping to look at the parenting required at each of the developmental stages. From diapers and binkies to driving and dating - and everything in between.
TP02 | Transcendent Parenting | Parenting Isn't Optional
What does it mean to be a parent? This week we discuss the importance of parenting - that it's a high calling and not for the faint of heart. If you want to do it right you have to be invested and intentional. Or the opportunity will pass you by before you can blink.
TP01 | Transcendent Parenting | First Things First
Welcome to the new series on parenting. This week we address a foundational part of your parenting - a strong, healthy marriage. Without it, parenting is much more difficult, and will require a lot more effort. So join us as we discuss how we can take our marriages to the next level.