072 | Transcending Conspiracy Theories
What are conspiracy theories, and where do they come from? How do they impact us? And how can we make sure we are critical thinkers who can see through them when they come our way?
071 | Transcending Up and to the Right
We live in an Up and to the Right culture. It's all about growth in terms of money, possessions, popularity and status. But is that our goal? Or should we be looking for a different definition of success?
070 | Transcending Legacy
Your behavior is far more important than you might think. It has a ripple effect that stretches far beyond you. Today we talk about the importance of legacy, and what we can do about it today.
069 | Transcending Negativity
Are you an optimist, pessimist, realist or idealist? Do you struggle with negativity? If so, let's talk about it - and how to add a bit more positivity into our lives.
068 | The Transcendent Path
Life is a journey, and we're all traveling on one path or another. So is one path better than another? Is there a path that we should all be trying to find?
067 | Transcending Moments
Life is made up of moments - small chunks of time often defined by the choices we make inside of them. We discuss the importance of being present in each moment, and how to overcome the distractions that keep us from being fully present.
066 | Transcending Drama
Do you get caught up in drama? Are you the one creating the drama? This week we look at the dark side of drama and how we can live a drama-free life.
TH Insider | June 9, 2021
Welcome to the inaugural TH Insider episode! Get the inside scoop on what’s going on around here at Transcend Human.
065 | Transcending a Fear of Death
Are you afraid of death? If so, is it a low-grade fear? Or does it reach the clinical level we refer to as "death anxiety"? Either way, there is hope for us! We can learn to accept death, and still live our lives with purpose and joy.
064 | Transcending the Backslide
This week we address the concept of backsliding. What does it mean? And are we working toward progress or perfection?
063 | Transcending Balance
They say, "Moderation in everything." But is that the best approach to life? Or is there another way to look at the decisions we make and the lifestyle we choose to engage in?
062 | Transcending Routine
Some of us love our routines. But unfortunately we can become a little too rigid at times because of them. What would it look like to step out of our comfort zones and relax a little?
061 | Transcending Differences
We are all different - it's what makes the world go around. But unfortunately it's also why we have disagreements, conflict and war. This week we talk about how we can focus on our similarities rather than our differences.
060 | Transcending Pop Culture
Ever feel like you are caught up in the proverbial rat race? That you're always searching for the next big thing in order to fit in, or be successful? Today we will look at Pop Culture, and how it keeps us racing the rats.
059 | Transcending the Struggle
The struggle is real - and we all face struggles. Some are more the first world problem type, while others can be life or death. Today we talk about where they come from and how we can rise above them.
058 | Transcending Spiritual Stages
In this episode we dust off a previous conversation we had about Spiral Dynamics. And then look at the 7 Churches of Revelation as Spiritual Stages we find ourselves in.
057 | Transcending Business Trends
Business Trends, or Big Ideas are a dime a dozen these days. Popular concepts to help you grow your business and become successful. But should they be applied to everything in your life? Or do some things require a different motivation?
056 | Transcending Naughty
We've all done things that we aren't proud of. We were naughty...and that can be embarrassing, However, by thinking through the whole story, we can choose a better future for ourselves.
055 | Transcending Your Highway
Life is a highway - or so the song goes. We’re each driving down that highway - and we have many lanes to choose from. How do we make sure we’re in the right lane at the right time?
054 | Transcending Hype
Hype is king. It’s being marketed to us. It’s the stuff everyone else seems to be doing. It’s what’s on fire at the time. The in thing. The thing all the cool kids are doing. Or is it?