068 | The Transcendent Path


June 28, 2021

Minute of Transparency: The Lost Years 

Today's Topic: The Transcendent Path

In this episode:

  1. Traveling Route 66

  2. The Significance Test

  3. Serenity Now


Have you ever traveled Route 66?

If not - I'm sure you've at least heard of it. It is talked about in songs, and it played a major role in the Pixar movie Cars.

Here are some fun details:

  • It was established in 1926

  • For year it was the main route you would take if you wanted to go from Chicago to Los Angeles

  • It was close to 2500 miles long

  • It was an artery which provided economic stability to numerous towns and cities along the route during the Dust Bowl in the 1930s and for years after

  • At some point, new highways were built which bypassed the towns and cities - making it a faster drive

  • However, the downside was that it removed the economic stability away from the towns and cities along Route 66 - forcing many of them to dry up and shut down

  • Route 66 was officially closed in 1985 - but remains open as a historic route that can be accessed in various sections

So why the history lesson?

Well, because I want to use the original Route 66 as an illustration of the path we're on from birth to death. The same way Route 66 was a lifeline for people back in the early to mid 1900s - our lives follow a path that winds through towns and cities on our way to our final destination.

So that said, here are a few caveats:

  • First - I need to be transparent in saying that God is part of this illustration

  • As a Christian - I obviously view God as an important piece of the puzzle

  • So He will be showing up regularly in this illustration

  • If you're not a Christian - simply substitute Karma, Allah, Buddha, Confucius, etc. Any higher power - or driving life force that you feel guides you along life's path

So here we go with the illustration:

  • Your life is taking place on Route 66

  • You were born in Chicago and you're on your way to retire and eventually die in Los Angeles

    • Don't read anything into Chicago being the place of birth and Los Angeles being the place where you die

    • This is just an illustration...

  • Next - it's important to note that God is on Route 66 as well

  • He walks beside you and has explained that this is the best route to take

  • Along the way you come to towns and cities and you experience a lot of new things

  • But typically from the safety of the road

  • And at some point you realize that there are exits - places where you can get off the road and visit towns and cities along the way

  • And there are exits that lead to completely different highways headed to different destinations

  • God acknowledges these exits and explains the dangers of each:

    • He explains that going into town can distract you and keep you from progress on Route 66. He also explains that the farther you go into town the harder it might be to find your way back to the road

    • He then explains that other highways lead to the wrong destination - and that taking these roads will not get you to Los Angeles

  • As you travel (and get older) you start to notice people getting off on the exits leading to other highways - and just like that they are gone

  • You also notice that some people get off on exits and go into towns along the way. They're often gone for long periods of time and when they catch back up they're often out of breath and seem a bit confused about what happened

  • Then comes a day when you decide you want to try one of the exits:

    • Early on in the journey, your parents, teachers and other adults would help you with these choices

    • But as you grow and start making your own decisions you realize God is now the one guiding you

    • He is offering guidance and warning you about certain exits and off ramps

  • But you are now old enough to spread your wings - or so you think

  • So you start with an exit that takes you into a small town:

    • You hit a few stores and check out a restaurant - all in view of Route 66

    • You still see people on their journeys

    • You still see God guiding and leading the way

    • And eventually you get back on the highway and run a bit to catch back up

  • The next time you exit - you realize it's a much bigger town:

    • You start to explore - and now you're far enough away from Route 66 to where you can no longer see it

    • However, you still remember the streets you took so you retrace your steps and eventually make it back to Route 66

  • This keeps happening until one day - the exit takes you into a big city:

    • You take one road, then another, then another - not stopping to read street signs

    • You hear music, people laughing and you keep moving deeper and deeper into the city

    • Eventually you find yourself in alleyways - where there are all sorts of people hanging out

    • Nobody seems to be worried about getting back to the road - they seem happy being right where they're at

    • So you stay for a bit, but eventually your mind goes back to Route 66

    • You know that's where you are supposed to be - but you can't seem to remember the route you took to get where you are

    • So you stay longer - wondering what it would take to get back

    • And finally - one day - you meet a woman who asks you where you came from and why you are here

    • You explain your story and how you came to be lost in the city

    • She replies, "Then you are the one God told me about. He sent me to find you. He would love to help you get back to Route 66."

  • So you go with the woman and she helps you get back to the road using a different route and a new on ramp

    • As you enter Route 66 there is God right there - smiling and welcoming you back

    • He seems so happy to see you, and He isn't yelling at you for getting lost

    • Looking back you realize you stayed in that city for over 8 years! Doing what everyone else was doing - lost in time

    • And you start to feel bad - angry at yourself for falling into the very thing God warned you about

    • But He walks over and puts His hand on your shoulder

    • No condemnation, no harsh words

    • He simply says, "I love you. And I'm just thankful my daughter was able to find you and help you get back."

  • A few years later you have a couple BIG decisions to make:

    • You are dating a girl and trying to decide if you should marry her or not

    • You're also out of college and you have two job offers you are struggling over

    • As you are thinking through these decisions you see road splitting up ahead

    • You can see that based on your decisions you will take one path or the other

    • You remember the lost years in the city and you start to get scared - thinking you might make the wrong decision

    • But God smiles and says, "These aren't exits my son - simply different lanes on Route 66."

    • So you make your decision and you head off on the fork that goes to the left

    • You turn around to see if God is still there - and sure enough - He's right there with you

    • And the funny thing is - He appears to be on the other road as well - with those who chose the fork that went to the right

  • Later in life - as you make it into Arizona and eventually into California - you feel like your eyes have been opened:

    • You look back at the trip and you see things more clearly

    • You see the exits for what they really were - dangerous detours built by God's enemy

    • You can see so many others who didn't make it back to Route 66

    • And you hear stories of people who were way more lost than you - but managed to find their way back with His daughter's help

    • This new understanding makes you so thankful, and it makes you want to help others on Route 66 - to help keep them from getting sidetracked by the exits along the way

    • God looks over and smiles again - proud of you for choosing to stay on Route 66 and for helping others along the way

    • It's a task He told you about long ago - but one that you didn't seem to have time for

    • Until now - when your eyes were opened and you saw that being part of the journey meant helping others on the journey

    • Not just making sure you were on the right road

  • And finally - you roll into Los Angeles:

    • Your journey is coming to a close

    • God looks at you and says, "You made it. I know it was a long journey, and it was difficult. You even got lost a few times along the way. But here we are. You have remained with Me - my good and faithful travel companion. Rest now - I have something amazing to show you when you wake up."


So in our illustration you'll notice there were two types of decisions:

  1. Dangerous Decisions:

    • Exits that led into towns and cities

    • Exits that led to completely different highways

    • These decisions lead you away from Route 66 - and away from God

      • Notice that He never leaves us

      • He stays right where He told us He would be

      • We're the ones who walk away from Him - thinking we know better

  2. Non-dangerous Decisions:

    • Your career path

    • Getting married or not

    • These decisions kept you on Route 66:

      • Yes, you might be in a unique lane from time to time

      • But God is right there to help you in whatever comes along

So the important takeaway is this: We need to get really good at understanding what is dangerous and what is not.

And on order to do this we need to use The Significance Test:

  • Step 1: Determine if this decision has eternal ramifications:

    • If so...the decision needs to be based on the "right" thing to do

    • If there are eternal ramifications, God probably had something to say about it

    • He probably pointed out a warning sign

    • He probably suggested a better plan 

  • Step 2: If there doesn't appear to be any eternal ramifications:

    • Understand that God gave you a brain

    • You have freedom of choice

    • You have the ability to choose things in your life

    • So go for it, and make good decisions...


Once you have determined a decision has no eternal ramifications - what's the next step?

Well, let's start with the Serenity Prayer - which is a big part of any 12 Step Program.

It goes like this:

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change;

Courage to change the things I can;

And wisdom to know the difference.

So good - right?!

  1. Accepting things that you have no control over

  2. Changing things in your life (for the better) when you do have control over them

  3. And being smart enough to tell the difference between the two

Basically this - being able to decipher between things that are happening to me vs. things I participate in

Focus your energy on the latter - the things you are participating in.

And finally - since we're talking about the things we can and can't control - I must defer back to Albert Ellis - the father of Rational Emotive Therapy - who taught the following:

  • Direct control: Thinking & Behaving

  • Indirect control: Feeling

  • Our feelings and our emotions are a dime a dozen and can changed based on what you ate for dinner...

  • But we can all control the other two

  • By making good choices with our thinking and our behaving we will ultimately influence the power those feelings and emotions have over us

  • We will be making better decisions

  • And we will become less "disturbed"

Let’s Land the Plane:

This week -  let's try asking ourselves the following questions:

  1. Using the Route 66 Illustration:

    • Am I still on Route 66 with My Creator?

    • What are some exits I take on a regular basis? And how long am I there?

    • Or, have I exited onto another highway - one heading to Minneapolis instead of Los Angeles?

  2. Am I able to determine the significance in my choices?

    • Can I use The Significance Test to ensure I'm making good eternal decisions?

  3. Have I found serenity in the rest of my decisions?

    • Can I accept things I have no control over?

    • Can I change things I do?

    • And can I work on my thinking and behaving in order to be less disturbed emotionally

Thanks for choosing to be here again this week. I love the time we spend together.

Have a great week, stay on the path, and as always, keep Transcending Human!


069 | Transcending Negativity


067 | Transcending Moments