053 | Transcending Resistance
We are all special, and we all have a gift to offer the world. But in order to do that, we have to find our gift, and then fight off Resistance with a capital “R” in order to make that gift a reality.
052 | Transcending Your Past
We all have a PAST, a PRESENT and a FUTURE. But unfortunately it's easy to allow our PAST to interfere with the PRESENT and ultimately our FUTURE. Join us as we put the PAST in its place.
051 | Transcending Comfort
What if I told you comfort = stagnation. Would you believe me? Sounds harsh - but as it turns out, the only way to grow is to step out of your comfort zone.
050 | Transcending ME
There’s no “I” in TEAM. But did you know there is “ME” in TEAM? And that’s a problem we will all struggle with in life. We came by selfishness honestly. But we have the freedom to choose if we remain that way or not.
049 | Write a Transcendent Story
It is so important to understand that you write your own story, one decision at a time. So making better decisions will help you write a better story. Recognize the status quo you’re stuck in and choose to tell a more transcendent story.
048 | Transcending Location
Does it matter where you live? Does your location determine who you are, or who you will become? Join us as we talk about it, and how we can transcend our location no matter where we find ourselves.
047 | Transcending Your Potential
In this episode we discuss how valuable each of us is. And how we each have a unique thing we can offer the world. We talk about finding our “Big Idea” and what we can do with it.
046 | Transcending Doomsday Scenarios
In this episode we discuss doomsday scenarios presented in books, movies and plays. But is there an original story arc that makes these so popular? Join us to find out!
045 | Transcending Church
In this episode we discuss the true nature of church. What it is, how we engage in it and the impact COVID-19 may have on the way we do church in the future.
044 | Transcend Human Revisited
This is the first episode of Season 2! Today we walk through a refresher course on Transcend Human. What it is, where we’ve been and where we’re going this year.
043 | Transcending the Holidays
In this episode we talk about the holidays. What types of holidays there are, how they started and how we can right size our celebration this year.
042 | Transcending Life Stages
In this episode we take a walk down memory lane - and discuss some of the basic psychological theories on development. How do these apply to us, and how can we balance our knowledge with our faith?
041 | Transcending Personality
In this episode we talk all things personality. We walk through some of the popular personality inventories and how they can be used to better understand ourselves.
040 | Transcending Time 2
In this episode we continue our discussion about time. Why our time is important, and the little slice of time God set aside for us to rest, relax and renew.
039 | Transcending Time 1
In this episode we talk about time. Why we have the day, week, month and year. And why the weekly cycle is so different.
038 | Transcending Medical Conditions
In this episode we talk about medical problems, the fact that we all experience them and the impact they can have on our lives and emotional wellbeing.
037 | Transcending Our World View
In this episode we talk about the 4 World views. Are you an Optimist? A Pessimist? A Realist? Or an Idealist? What does this really mean? And how can we transcend our stereotype?
036 | Transcending Low Frustration Tolerance
In this episode we talk about Low Frustration Tolerance. What it is, how it can impact us and what we need to do to keep it in check.
035 | Transcending Customer Service
In this episode we talk about customer service. What it means to provide customer service, and what it could look like if we viewed everyone as our customer.
034 | Transcending STORMs
In this episode we talk about the storms that we face in life. We discuss that they are inevitable, but that there is a silver lining if we look hard enough.