CT03-BA02 | Participation Is Both Voluntary and Involuntary
In this episode we dive into the Second Basic Assumption of Controversy Theory: Participation Is Both Voluntary and Involuntary.
CT02-BA01 | A Controversy Exists
In this episode we dive into the First Basic Assumption of Controversy Theory: A Controversy Exists.
CT01 | An Introduction to Controversy Theory
In this episode we begin our journey through Controversy Theory. The theory is introduced and some history given on where it came from, and why it exists.
010 | Transcend Human: Under the Hood
In this episode we discuss the mission statement, value statements and the statement of beliefs for Transcend Human. Learn quickly what makes us tick, and the hills we’re willing to die on.
009 | Business Strategy = Life Strategy
In this episode we discuss the similarities between tried and true business strategies and the strategies we employ to grow, mature and be successful as individuals.
008 | The Safety & Security Trap
In this episode we discuss ten things that initiate our thinking - moving us from worldly thinking to transcendent thinking.
007 | Transcend Human Initiators
In this episode we discuss ten things that initiate our thinking - moving us from worldly thinking to transcendent thinking.
006 | Learning Is Transcendent
In this episode we discuss the concept of what it means to be a lifelong learner. Not just learning in school, but making it part of your life for the rest of your life.
005 | This "Worldly" We Live In
In this episode we discuss the concept of worldliness - what it means to be worldly, what the world has to offer and how it all plays into the "Happiness Trap."
004 | The Great Happiness Debate
In this episode we discuss all things happiness. Is happiness the goal? Or is there something else we should be chasing after? And what does Transcend Human have to say about it?
003 | The Human Condition
In this episode we do a deep dive into the Human Condition in order to better understand what transcend Human is all about.
002 | Your Story Is Important
In this episode we dive into the importance of story. To transcend human is to believe that we are part of a bigger story - one that makes our stories that much more important.
001 | What Is Transcend Human?
Inaugural episode of the Transcend Human Podcast. Together, we lay the foundation for the entire show. We discuss what it means to Transcend Human, where the idea came from and how we can apply it to our lives.