002 | Your Story Is Important


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Today’s Topic: Kobe Bryant. My story. The importance of telling your story.


  1. What Is Story?

  2. Kobe Bryant

  3. My Story: School & Work

  4. My Story: Life & Spirituality

  5. Telling Your Story


Definition from the dictionary:

  1. An account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment (books, movies, etc.) 

  2. An account of past events in someone's life or in the evolution of something (testimonies, recounting events, recounting successes or failures)

The Importance of Telling Our Stories (Huffington Post) by Rachael Freed

  • "Stories connect the past and present to the future.”

  • "They can awaken future generations to their potential.”

// 2 Kobe Bryant

  • Kobe Bryant and his daughter (along with 7 other individuals) perished in a helicopter accident in Calabasas, CA

  • Devastating to the LA community and the world

  • Kobe’s unique “story" includes missteps and legal problems

  • However, his story is a story of “redemption” and included owning up to his mistakes and working hard to be a better person moving forward

  • It appeared that his best life lay ahead of him. At the time of his death he was actively pursuing:

    • Creativity: Won an Oscar in 2018 for his short film Dear Basketball

    • Family: Spent a lot of time with his family. Took an active role in fathering his 4 daughters. Considered himself a #girldad

    • Giving Back: Specifically to basketball - coached his daughter, and willing to help other kids learn to respect and appreciate the game 

    • The Mamba Mentality: A term Kobe used to describe his relentless work ethic.

      1. Described in this USA Today article by Mike Jones

      2. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/columnist/mike-jones/2020/01/26/kobe-bryant-mamba-mentality-determination-nfl-players/4584774002/

        1. a level of intense focus

        2. a relentless approach to preparation

        3. a competitive nature

        4. ability to change the course of a game

        5. a level of athletic consistency

        6. the ability to overcome injury and return to greatness  


  • 1st Grade: Hinsdale Junior Academy (Hinsdale, IL)

  • 2nd-7th Grade: One room Christian school (Powell, WY)

  • 8th Grade: Public Middle School (Powell, WY)

  • High School

    • Freshman/Sophomore: Hinsdale Junior Academy (Hinsdale, IL)

    • Junior/Senior: Broadview Academy (La Fox, IL)

  • College:

    • Undergraduate Degree: Sociology/Criminal Justice (Andrews University)

    • Graduate Degree: Master’s Degree in Social Work

    • Licensure: LCSW in Indiana

  • Work:

    • Took State Police exams with eventual goal to work with the FBI

    • Changed direction and took job at an “orphanage” in Illinois

    • Then spent a number of years in the mental health field at a variety of places in Indiana: Case Management, individual/family therapy, group therapy, program management, etc.

    • Changed direction and worked as a Web Director at a couple large churches in Indiana and California

    • Eventually landed at a design/development firm in California and continue working with freelance web clients


  • Where I’ve lived:

    • Washington, Minnesota, Illinois, Wyoming, Michigan, Indiana and California

  • Creativity:

    • I think I was always creative, just didn’t recognize it

    • Drawing, doodling, poetry, writing, photography, graphic design, web design, etc.

    • Inspiration:

    • Writing:

      • Controversy Theory (2001): Unpublished manuscript. Currently reworking with hopes to publish in the future

      • Conscience-Driven Therapy (Future): Follow up to Controversy Theory. Practical tips and strategies to incorporate CT into a comprehensive life plan to Transcend Human…

      • Epic Fantasy Trilogy (2012): Inspired to write a three book series on the battle between good and evil in the world. Have much of it plotted out. 4-5 chapters written

      • Transcend Human Podcast (2020): Show dedicated to the way people respond to the human condition

      • All projects loosely connected:

        • Initial writings on the human condition

        • Controversy Theory

        • Conscience-Driven Therapy

        • Transcend Human

        • Novel Series (Trilogy)

  • Spirituality:

    • Simple explanation: My story follows the life trajectory of many people brought up Christian in the 70’s and 80’s:

      • Mainline, traditional, denominational church

      • Strict, legalistic Christian upbringing

      • Typical list of do’s and don’ts

      • Christian education

      • Parents that subconsciously reinforced the concept that every mistake you make counts against you so you are constantly trying to be good. Then, when you make mistakes (as every kid does) you beat yourself up and feel unworthy - like you’re not “good enough” to get to heaven

      • Rebellious period: Ages 17-23

      • First borns always come back to their parents way of thinking...

    • Dark Days:

      • Addictive personality

      • Loss of a job

    • Current State:

      • Living with eyes wide open

        1. View the world as being full of possibilities and opportunities

        2. I should try new things - and stop putting off creative ideas

        3. This thinking led to the development of Transcend Human and this podcast

        4. Hopefully this is the start of many new things to come


  • What is your story? Or have you even thought about it?

    1. Maybe your next step is to sit down and do some brain damage on it

    2. Look back and find the big events that have helped shape you

    3. Are you a better person on this end of it? Are you still struggling because of something that happened to you?

    4. What could you do in the next week or month to redeem the life you’ve been given and start on a new path?

    5. And finally: Is there someone that would benefit from hearing your story? If so - don’t be afraid to put it out there

  • A story can be one of the most useful tools in illustrating what it means to Transcend Human


003 | The Human Condition


001 | What Is Transcend Human?