171 | Transcending the Horse Collar
Do you ever feel like you're being dragged down? Like someone or something is stealing your joy? And it's getting harder and harder to make it through the day? This week we talk about ways we are pulled out of our sweet spot. And how to reengage once we recognize the problem.
152 | Transcending Competing Values
This week we discuss competing values. Things like a love for food and a desire to remain in shape. How do we navigate these dueling behaviors? And how can we bump, set and spike our way to a more balanced life.
064 | Transcending the Backslide
This week we address the concept of backsliding. What does it mean? And are we working toward progress or perfection?
063 | Transcending Balance
They say, "Moderation in everything." But is that the best approach to life? Or is there another way to look at the decisions we make and the lifestyle we choose to engage in?
031 | Transcending Moderation
In this episode we talk about moderation and the fact that it’s not just for kids! Learning to moderate our behavior is one of the keys to becoming a mature adult.