174 | Transcending God's Image
This week we discuss what it means to be created in the Image of God. We're definitely not Omnipotent, Omnipresent or Omniscient. But how are we like God? And could it be that our relational nature, and our creativity are part of that list?
CDT09 | Transcend Human
This week we look at practical ways to act on the things we've learned. From living on mission to living the Transcend Human Lifestyle - you'll find practical next steps toward the life you've always wanted.
093 | Transcending the LDR (Guest: Tammy McMullen)
Tammy joins me this week to have a conversation about Long Distance Relationships. After spending 6 months apart when we moved to California - we learned a few things and just might have advice for those thinking about doing the same.
TP01 | Transcendent Parenting | First Things First
Welcome to the new series on parenting. This week we address a foundational part of your parenting - a strong, healthy marriage. Without it, parenting is much more difficult, and will require a lot more effort. So join us as we discuss how we can take our marriages to the next level.
066 | Transcending Drama
Do you get caught up in drama? Are you the one creating the drama? This week we look at the dark side of drama and how we can live a drama-free life.
059 | Transcending the Struggle
The struggle is real - and we all face struggles. Some are more the first world problem type, while others can be life or death. Today we talk about where they come from and how we can rise above them.