172 | Transcending Perfektionism
Do you struggle with needing things to be perfect? Today we discuss the Human Condition, the Sin Virus, temptation and how these play a role in our mental health - specifically a tendency toward perfectionism.
112 | Transcending the Struggle (Part 2)
We all understand the struggle is real. But today we throw in a few other concepts: The struggle is in check and the struggle is beneficial.
034 | Transcending STORMs
In this episode we talk about the storms that we face in life. We discuss that they are inevitable, but that there is a silver lining if we look hard enough.
CT17 | Applying Controversy Theory
In this episode we dive into the final episode of Controversy Theory: Applying Controversy Theory.
CT16-BA15 | The Human Condition Is Controversy Related
In this episode we dive into the Fifteenth Basic Assumption of Controversy Theory: The Human Condition Is Controversy Related.
CT01 | An Introduction to Controversy Theory
In this episode we begin our journey through Controversy Theory. The theory is introduced and some history given on where it came from, and why it exists.
003 | The Human Condition
In this episode we do a deep dive into the Human Condition in order to better understand what transcend Human is all about.