112 | Transcending the Struggle (Part 2)


Date: April 25, 2022

Minute of Transparency: Concussion protocol...

Today's Topic: Transcending the Struggle (Part 2)

  1. The struggle is real

  2. The struggle is in check

  3. The struggle is beneficial 


So I called this Part 2 - because we've already done this one. Episode 59 was called Transcending the Struggle.

So why are we doing that one again you ask?

Great question!

There's a good chance if I don't start doing Part 2's and Part 3's on some of these topics - I'll run out of topics.

Not because the world is that small - or because I've thought through every possible combination. But because our focus is on Transcending Human - rising above the Human Condition.

And a big part of the Human Condition is what we call The Struggle.

I know we've defined the Human Condition numerous times in the podcast.

So here are the highlights:

  • The Human Condition is made up of good things, bad things and mundane things:

    • There is good in the world - don't get me wrong: Things like weddings, graduations, birthdays, a walk in the mountains, or along the ocean, holding the door for someone, stopping to help someone fix a flat tire - all the good things

    • There are mundane things like what you're going to eat for dinner on a Wednesday night, or what you're going to wear to work tomorrow

    • And there are the bad things - things we've clumped into the following categories:

      • Human Nature: Our natural response to the Sin Virus - our tendency to give in to selfishness, greed and anger

      • Human Suffering: Difficulties we face at the hands of others, or because of natural occurrences like floods and fires

      • Human Disturbance: Dealing with medical and mental health issues thanks to the Sin Virus

So obviously - when we talk about The Struggle - we're talking about the bad stuff - the hard stuff.

Sure we could talk about the good stuff - but is that even necessary?

  • I mean - do you struggle with the good stuff?

  • Do you need help understanding and dealing with good stuff?

  • Probably not!

  • Because good is good! We love good!

  • We don't need to place blame when things are good - right?

  • Who's to blame for this good thing happening to me?

  • And we don't typically need someone to tell us how to experience good things

  • We're pretty good at experiencing good

But the bad on the other hand...the struggle...that's a different story.

Ever wonder why there are so many Big Idea books? Self Help books? Why we need therapists and counselors?

Because The Struggle is real - we all struggle to deal with the bad (or negative) side of the Human Condition.

And is there anyone out there right now NOT struggling?

We're in a difficult period of time right now:

  • We've struggled with COVID for over two years

  • We're struggling with high gas prices, high food prices

  • We've dealt with political polarization on a level not seen in years

  • We've seen that racism is in no way dead in this country

  • We're watching Russia systematically exterminate civilians in the Ukraine - people like you and me - just trying to live and work and raise families

This all seems very overwhelming to us - but when you look back - it's really just more of the same.

Think about people who lived through the World Wars, The Spanish Flu, The Plague, The Great Depression, the Civil War, The Spanish Inquisition, the Dark Ages, the oppression of Rome, slavery in Egypt - and the list goes on and on all the way back to the beginning!

The Struggle is real - because it is rooted in the Sin Virus - which was brought here by Satan, released into our world and is not going away.

The Sin Virus is here until our world breathes its last breath.

In Episode 59 we opened the conversation about struggles:

  • We talked about first world problems

  • We talked about various areas we struggle in

  • We talked about having Tunnel Vision - where we hyper-focus on our struggles and they become all we see

  • Our focus is on our problems vs. the one causing the problems

  • We lose sight of the fact that Satan is the problem - the Sin Virus is the problem

  • And that God is the one offering a solution to the problem - He has the Antidote to the Sin Virus

So this was my backdrop - my inspiration as I thought through this whole idea of The Struggle this week.

  • I spent time mulling over questions like these:

    • Why do good things happen to bad people?

    • Why do bad things happen to good people?

  • Age-old questions that hit at the heart of the struggle we face on earth

  • And there are complete books written to answer these questions:

    • So I threw a few Amazon links in the show notes to books with those titles if you're interested


Like I said, in the previous episode we defined Tunnel Vision: This idea that we get caught up in our problems, and wind up hyper-focusing on them.

And the solution I offered at that time was the 5 Step Tunnel Busting Process to help get us back on track.

I stand by it - because it does a good job helping us pick our heads up, refocus on the Controversy, and then reframe our struggles appropriately.

But this week I was thinking about the struggle on a whole different level.

Yes, we all experience The Struggle, and yes we tend to get Tunnel Vision. And yes, there is a way out of that.

But let's back up to those higher level questions:

  • Why do good things happen to bad people?

  • Why do bad things happen to good people?

Or maybe those questions lead to these questions:

  • How good can it get for the bad people?

  • How bad can it get for the good people?

In other words, are there limits to the struggles we will face?

Or are we at the mercy of this world? Like a number in a lottery drawing? When our number comes up it's curtains for us?

Because I think this is a question many of us ask:

"I'm trying so hard to do the right things, to be a good person and yet the struggle is always there. It's like someone is standing in front of me, trying to knock me down every time I take a step in the right direction."

Ever feel like that? I know - right?! Me too!

And when we ask this question over and over again with no good answer - it can lead to hopelessness. The feeling that nothing will ever get better. And that we will never be able to work our way out of the hole we're in.

But this is what Satan is counting on. By creating chaos, and keeping us guessing he plants seeds of hopelessness in us. He waters them, and prunes them so that they grow into full fledged angst. A feeling of disequilibrium that keeps us stuck.

But to combat this - let's walk through Three Constants when it comes to The Struggle:

Constant #1: We must forget math as we know it

  • You know - things like: 1+2=3

  • Because in reality: 1+2≠3

  • I know we want it to - so badly we want it to

  • Because math like this is predictable - we can count on it

  • Math is based on constants - things that do not change

  • And we want nothing more than to be able to predict the future

  • For example:

    • Doing good things will net good things in return

    • Doing bad things will return bad things to you

  • But deep inside we know this isn't the way it works on Earth

  • The Human Condition has been corrupted by the Sin Virus

  • So we can’t think mathematically - as if there are constants at play

  • Like we just said - Satan loves chaos - and works hard to make sure bad people are getting their way, and good people are bombarded with The Struggle

Constant #2: We're not as good as we think we are

  • Ouch...this one might hurt a little

  • But I need to clarify something right now

  • When we ask the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

  • What are we really suggesting?

  • Typically that we're good right?!

  • And because we're good - good things should come our way

  • But the truth is: "good" is very subjective:

    • We may try to do "good" things

    • We may try to be nice to other people

    • We may try to follow the rules of our society or culture

    • But behind all of that we're still sinners - in need of the Antidote to the Sin Virus

    • The Bible makes it pretty clear that all have sinned and fallen short of the type of "good" needed to live forever

    • And the only way to be "good" enough - is to allow Jesus to be "good" for us

  • When we fully come to understand this - our perspective on The Struggle changes - and we should really ask this question:

    • Why do good things happen to some sinners and bad things to others?

    • See the distinction?

  • Now, we could easily spin our wheels here - but let's move on

Constant #3: God is still in control 

  • This should give us a sense of peace like nothing else

  • We know Satan is the interim ruler of this world - and has a certain level of control because of it

  • Control which he exercises by creating chaos, telling lies, manipulating and harming us on so many levels

  • And we know that God allows this to exist for one very important reason: To protect our Freedom of Choice

    • Love is not love without a choice

    • So God allowed us to choose against Him at the beginning of time

    • We chose to have Satan be the ruler of this world - and God granted our wish

    • But ultimately God still owns everything

    • He created this planet

    • He created us

    • Which is why He came down and offered us a way back

    • A do over

    • And by offering everyone the do over - He provided three things:

      1. He made sure we keep our freedom of choice

      2. He is "allowed" to end it all - to determine a point in the future where everything will end - and our Eternal Vote will be honored

      3. He is "allowed" to monitor things on Earth - to be a mediator of sorts - keeping Satan from doing everything he would like to do

    • These are three very important pieces to the Human Condition

    • Things that should give us hope, when we deal with The Struggle

    • Especially the last one!

    • We've talked before about the Story of Job in the Bible - and how God only "allowed" Satan to do so much to Job:

      • If that account is accurate - we can rest assured that God protects us in ways we don't even understand

      • I can't wait to get to Heaven and see the countless things God and His angels did to protect me throughout my life


And finally - when bad things do happen to us - when The Struggle hits on all cylinders - what do we do with that?

First, apply the Three Constants we just walked through.

This should help with the hopelessness and disequilibrium we feel.

But we can also look at The Struggle another way.

A much more positive way.

We can actually view The Struggle as beneficial to us.

I know right?! Sounds wrong - very wrong...

Like saying:

  • "I think rain on my wedding day would be beneficial."

  • -or-

  • "I think getting a flat tire today would be very beneficial to my car."

Doesn't add up right?

But this is the genius nature of God:

  • God is so intelligent - He is able to use Satan's game plan against him

  • How does this work exactly?

  • Satan wants to put us through hell on Earth - and God allows it on some level to protect our freedom of choice

  • But at the same time God uses that hell (whatever that means to you or me) to grow us up!

    • God uses the plans of Satan in order for us to mature - to become stronger people

    • Brilliant! And pretty obvious when you think about it:

      • When things are good - are we in the frame of mind to learn something? To grow? Probably not. When things are good - we typically sit back and coast

      • But when things get tough - it requires problem solving. It requires innovation. It requires we deal with difficult emotions. All things that require and create growth in our lives

  • So where does this concept come from?

    • Strength through trials?

    • Maturity through difficulties?

  • Well, I think the Bible explains it pretty well. Here are just three verses:

    • "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." James 1:2-4 NLT

    • "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance." Romans 5:3 NLT

    • "So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:6-7 NLT

  • I'll throw this in for free...

    • I've always believed in the "Tripod Method" of Bible study

    • I'm sure there is a much more academic term for this - but that's what I call it...

    • Here's how it works:

      • A tripod has three legs

      • So too - when we’re doing Bible study, we should find at least three corroborating verses in order to develop a belief

      • Each verse is a leg that allows the tripod to stand without falling over

    • And if there's more than three - even better

  • Okay - back to the episode...

  • So if this is true - that The Struggle is actually beneficial in us growing up

  • Why do we spend so much of our time trying to avoid it?

    • Do we understand that when we ask for safety, peace, comfort and complete happiness - we're actually asking God to allow us to stagnate?

    • Do we understand all of the growth we’d miss out on if everything went our way?

Okay - so let's wrap things up with a very logical follow up question:

So should we actually pray for The Struggle?

  • For pain?

  • For suffering?

  • For difficult things to come our way so we can mature?

Heck no!!!

In my humble opinion. No!

And here's my simple explanation...

The Human Condition, thanks to the Sin Virus, comes with The Struggle baked in.

Meaning: It's coming no matter what we do. There is no shortage of pain, suffering and difficulties in life.

Even the “bad” people that seem to have good things happening to them will experience The Struggle in some form or fashion.

So no - we don't need to pray for bad things to happen.

But at the same time:

  • We mustn't fall for the lie that we can achieve heaven on this planet

  • Our culture tells us otherwise!

    • Make enough money

    • Buy the right things

    • Look like a million bucks

    • Do all the fun things

    • And what do we say when we see people excelling in every area:

      • We say, "They're killing it"

      • We use the term, "Winning"

    • But don't for a second think that's sustainable...

    • This month we got a front row seat to see Will Smith fall from grace:

      • On the outside it seemed like he had it all

      • Everything moving up and to the right

      • Part of the Hollywood Elite

      • Then came the slap heard around the world - at the Oscars

      • And now he's experiencing the "Cancel Culture" and everything that goes along with it

      • He resigned from the Academy

      • Has had movie deals fall through

      • Numerous Hollywood A-listers have come out harshly against him

      • His whole world turned upside down because of one bad decision

      • Now we could debate just how painful it really is for Mr. Smith - given the money he has amassed over the years

      • But regardless of that - he's experiencing The Struggle in a whole new way

      • And it will be up to him how he handles it - and if he is willing to grow through it

Let's Land the Plane:

This week ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is the struggle real for me?

    • Am I experiencing difficult things right now?

    • If so, what are they? And how are they impacting me?

  2. Do you believe the struggle is in check?

    • Do you believe that God is ultimately in control?

    • Do you believe that He has our best interest at heart?

    • And that He will only allow things He knows we can handle?

  3. And finally, can you see how the struggle is beneficial?

    1. Look back at some of the major setbacks you've faced

    2. What were you like before?

    3. What were you like after?

    4. Was there growth? Maturity? Endurance? Through it all?

    5. If not - and you're still knee deep in the pain - what would it look like to talk to someone about it? And to find the growth that's there - right under the surface?

That's a wrap my friends.

Thanks for hanging with us this week.

Next week we're going to look at Transcending the Mirage. What it means to see clearly rather than through rose colored glasses.

Until then, have a great week, grow through The Struggles, and as always, keep Transcending Human!


113 | Transcending the Mirage


111 | Transcending Inactivity