CT17 | Applying Controversy Theory


August 17, 2020

Minute of Transparency: Getting geared up for a very COVID school year…

Intro: Last week we completed the final Basic Assumption: The Human Condition Is Controversy Related

This week we look forward and discuss ways we can apply what we’ve learned…

Today’s Episode: Applying Controversy Theory

  1. Beginning to experience the world through the “Controversy Filter"

  2. Conscience Driven Therapy


When I was writing Controversy Theory something changed in me - there was literally a switch that was flipped in the way I looked at the world. 

Before CT I was very focused on my path in life:

  • I was focused on me

  • What I wanted to get out of the world

  • Having things go my way

  • Working hard to get what I deserved

  • Doing all the right things so good things would come my way

However, this line of thinking is two things:

  1. It is very selfish

  2. It ignores things like Murphey’s Law, the fact that good things happen to bad people, and that bad things happen to good people. It basically fails to address the elephant in the room: “The Controversy"

But as I wrote, I began to build on this concept of controversy - God and Satan fighting over me - and at some point that switch flipped…

I began to realize that the world didn’t revolve around me, and that if anything:

We all live in a very fragile place between a ruthless dictator bent on revenge, and a loving Creator balancing freedom of choice with His desire to rescue and protect us.
— Controversy Theory

And when I started to view the world using this “filter” everything changed.

Now some of you might be thinking, “Whatever! It had nothing to do with Controversy Theory - you were simply going through the maturation process. You were growing up.”

And to some extent that might have been true. But there are people who never grow up…people who will live their entire lives thinking the world revolves around them. Selfish people who believe in things like survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, in order for me to get mine, you can’t get yours, etc. 

And the sad truth about me is that this is probably the type of person I would have become without Controversy Theory.

It’s that important to me. Which is why I’ve shared it with you. 

So let’s get practical - what does it mean to view the world this way? Through the “Controversy Filter?”

Well, it really comes down to this:

  1. Understanding that we live in a fallen world - one that is infected with the Sin Virus

  2. Understanding that even though the world is heading toward destruction - we have value, and a purpose

So let’s look a bit closer at each of those:

  1. The impact of the Sin Virus:

    • Physical impact: The impact that sin has had on our planet. A planet that was created to be perfect. Where every system interfaced perfectly with the next creating a symbiotic relationship free from friction, deterioration, decay or chaos of any kind. God created the world as a masterpiece of sorts - like a fine painting or sculpture - that stands the test of time. But when the Sin Virus hit the Earth, it started a chain reaction. Something was thrown out of whack and suddenly everything changed. Human behavior has also changed the planet. It looks a whole lot different now that we’ve been on it for a while. Technology, manufacturing, production, exponential growth, deforestation, pollution, poor resource management, etc. All have pushed us farther down the path toward the end. A time when the Earth will no longer be able to sustain us. A time when it falls apart for good.  

    • Global impact: Sin has done a number on us as people groups. Countries separated by color, race, ethnicity, religion and good old fashioned Imperialism. Leading to anger, hatred, war, enslavement and genocide. And all of this after being created by the same God! A God who loves each of us the same - and yet we treat each other as enemies. This is a part of the Sin Virus that gets into each and every one of us. That feeling inside that you are better than someone else because of your education, your color, your gender, the car you drive, the money you have in your bank account, the zip code you live in, etc. It’s that feeling you get when you see someone struggling - and you think to yourself, “At least that isn’t me.” Or worse yet, when you see someone struggling and you say, “Well, that’s sad. Why don’t they just pull themselves up by their boot straps and make something of themselves?” These are the thoughts and feelings that grow in each of us, and wind up influencing our governments - leading to policies, laws, and international relationships or lack thereof.    

    • Personal impact: We just talked about the way the Sin Virus takes root in each of us, and how it can lead to the global problems we see in the world today. But the Sin Virus is also a very personal thing for each of us. We each experience the Human Condition. We are born with Human Nature, we experience Human Suffering and we each have varying levels of Human Disturbance - or issues related to our thinking, behaving and feeling.

      • First, our thinking. Cognitive distortions that keep us from seeing things clearly

      • Next, our behaving. Making choices, forming habits and developing character that can lead us into difficult and painful situations

      • And finally, the struggle that exists when we experience feelings that are painful or uncomfortable. Feelings like anger, fear, anxiety, depression or feelings like low frustration tolerance, or being out of control

      • All of these stem from the existence of the Sin Virus

  2. But we have value, and a purpose:

    • If you spend too long looking at the negative elements of the Sin Virus it can get overwhelming...

    • You can become numb and just go along for the ride - making the best out of a bad situation

    • Or maybe you’ve thought, “What’s the point? We’re just pawns living in a universal game of chess?"

    • But this is exactly where Satan wants us...

    • He wants us to think we’re nothing - no more valuable than animals roaming a lost planet. And that our sole purpose in life is to take what we can get - trying to be happy and comfortable in the world for the short time you have...

    • And I think he’s done a bang up job!

      • I mean this is the way the world operates

      • You could illustrate it by painting a mountain of people all climbing over each other in an attempt to get to the top of the pile - only to have someone come behind you and push you back down into the pile...

    • But God has been there all along - whispering the truth about us in the chaos of us trying to win in the world:

      • You have value - each and every one of you. I created you and love you like you love your children. This will never change - so don’t give up! And don’t fall for the bread crumbs Satan is throwing your way. These things will never fully satisfy you. I created you, so I know what will satisfy you. It’s a relationship with Me. But it’s up to you. I won’t force you to come home - it has to be your choice

      • You have purpose - each and every one of you. You are valuable and important right where you are. Each of you are a vote in the Eternal Election. Each of you has freedom of choice - the ability to choose between Satan or God. And which one do you want in office when the world ends? Once you’ve made your decision, you have a HUGE role to play in making the world what it is tomorrow. You can either feed into the chaos that already exists on the Earth - or you can stand up with others like you and push back against the darkness that exists in the world. Speak truth to those around you, and help others see their value and purpose in life as well.


Now that we understand what it means to live with the “Controversy Filter” we need to talk about living in general.

Living is hard. The Human Condition is not all ponies, roses, sugar and spice…

We can’t just say, “Well, now that I understand there is a controversy, and that the Sin Virus is a thing - everything will be good. I’ll be able to navigate it when I see it.”

Because it really isn’t that easy. Human Disturbance is a guarantee for each and every one of us. Sure it will be on different levels, and in different ways, but nobody escapes it.

So how do we navigate life and the Human Disturbance that seeks to tear us down?

Well, let me introduce you to Conscience Driven Therapy

  • I’m not going to tell you it’s the silver bullet

  • I’m not going to tell you it’s the only way

  • I’m not going to tell you all other ways are bad

  • What I am going to say is this:

If you resonate with Controversy Theory, Conscience Driven Therapy is a simple, straightforward way to apply what you’ve learned to daily living.

  • It builds on the controversy concept and offers real-life tips and tricks to successfully navigate the things you experience in life

  • It helps you to make good choices, form good habits and develop a character that will impact the world around you

  • It helps you deal with the Human Disturbance that you struggle with - things like anger, anxiety and depression

  • It helps identify addictive personality traits and how to avoid getting hooked on something that can harm you

  • It helps you identify Satan’s game plan for your life - the Personal Temptation Plans (PTPs) he has implemented for you - and how NOT to fall for these tactics

  • And finally, it helps you proactively chart your course in life. Choosing to have an impact life, rather than just responding to the things life throws at you

In an effort to be fully transparent - I’ll tell you that Conscience Driven Therapy has not been written yet. After completing Controversy Theory it was the logical next step. But it didn’t happened. 

I started it - and have a complete Table of Contents fleshed out. Each chapter is outlined with the main topics to be discussed - but that’s where it is as of today’s broadcast. 

The good thing is that the Transcend Human Podcast has brought all of this back up again. 

We’ve walked through Controversy Theory, and many of the Transcend Human episodes cover topics that will eventually be included in Conscience Driven Therapy.

So let’s land the plane:

This week: Ask yourself the following:

  • How do you view the world around you? Have you started to view it through the “Controversy Filter?"

  • Can you see the impact the Sin Virus has physically, globally and on you personally?

  • Do you know how valuable you are?

  • Do you understand your purpose?

  • And finally - are you looking for next steps in living a life that can rise above the Human Condition?

If so - just keep coming back to the Transcend Human podcast each week. 

We’ll keep creating content to help you in this process. And who knows - at some point we might walk through Conscience Driven Therapy!

I absolutely LOVE that we got to walk through this together. I hope it was as helpful to you as it was for me to go back through it and update it 20 years later…

Next week we’ll jump back into our regular Transcend Human programming. 

In the upcoming weeks we’ll attack random topics and one-off ideas the way we started. I’m looking forward to the freedom this brings - being able to create content off the top of my head - working through important things we’re going through right here and now. 

Thanks again for being here today. Looking forward to what the future holds!

As always, keep Transcending Human!


028 | Transcending Your Environment


CT16-BA15 | The Human Condition Is Controversy Related