150 | Transcending Disappointment
This week we discuss disappointment. And how the speed of life, aiming at the wrong target and living a life of excess can play roles in just how disappointed we are.
125 | Transcending Complexity
This week we discuss complexity. The fact that it is increasing in life. And that there are two types: Baked In and Self Generated Complexity. Join us as we self diagnose and move toward simplicity.
094 | Transcending Life Change (Guest: Tyler McMullen)
Join me this week as I interview Tyler McMullen on the impact change can have on your life. Not small changes like the brand of potato chips you buy. Life changes like moving from Indiana to California in 6th Grade. Join us as we talk about the move, the adjustment period and mental health issues that arose along the way.
074 | Transcending Hopelessness
Do you feel sad? Depressed? Like life isn't worth living? Today we discuss the various levels we can get to when feeling this way - and what we can do to transcend those feelings. How we can get back to living lives with purpose and meaning.