176 | Transcending Your Brand (Season 5 Opener)
Welcome to Season 5! This year we embark on an entirely new journey. Transcend Human has been going strong for 4 years - but this year it gets a makeover. Join me this week as I cast vision for that change and together we'll dive into the abyss - and see where it takes us.
175 | Transcending Seasons (Season 4 Finale)
This week is the last episode of Season 4. Together we talk about where we've been, where we are and where we're going in the future. That goes for each of us - and the Transcend Human Podcast as well.
174 | Transcending God's Image
This week we discuss what it means to be created in the Image of God. We're definitely not Omnipotent, Omnipresent or Omniscient. But how are we like God? And could it be that our relational nature, and our creativity are part of that list?
173 | Transcending Currency
This week we look at money. Where it came from, how it has grown, and how it impacts each and every one of us. We talk capitalism, and we discuss how moving from traditional to digital currency allows the government a level of control that makes the whole Mark of the Beast thing possible.
172 | Transcending Perfektionism
Do you struggle with needing things to be perfect? Today we discuss the Human Condition, the Sin Virus, temptation and how these play a role in our mental health - specifically a tendency toward perfectionism.
171 | Transcending the Horse Collar
Do you ever feel like you're being dragged down? Like someone or something is stealing your joy? And it's getting harder and harder to make it through the day? This week we talk about ways we are pulled out of our sweet spot. And how to reengage once we recognize the problem.
170 | TE014 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 14 | The Climactic Ending
This week we look at the final chapters in Revelation. The climactic events, Jesus coming back and the way it all plays out.
169 | TE013 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 13 | The Final Set of 7 & The Prostitute
This week we look at the 7 Last Plagues, and the One World Religio-Political System that will dominate on the world stage. This movement will be global, and will require people to worship their way in order to be in good standing in the world economy.
168 | TE012 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 12 | The Coming Global Crisis & A Final Warning
This week we reach a pivotal moment in Revelation. Chapter 13 lays out the players who will come together to cause the global end-times crisis. And we hear three final warnings from some pretty important angels.
167 | TE011 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 11 | More Sets of 7
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We move from the 7 Churches to the 7 Seals and then into the 7 Trumpets. Are we tired of the number 7 yet?!
166 | TE010 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 10 | The Right Bookend & The 7 Churches
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We jump into the Right Bookend - the Book of Revelation and have a conversation about the 7 Churches.
165 | TE009 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 9 | Daniel's Final Vision
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We're wrapping up the Book of Daniel - working through his final vision and the two new time periods dropped in chapter 12.
164 | TE008 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 8 | Daniel's 70 Weeks
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We're in the Book of Daniel, and we're discussing the 70 Weeks Prophecy given to Daniel by Gabriel. What it is and how it is interpreted.
163 | TE007 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 7 | Expanding on the Statue
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We're in the Book of Daniel, and we're discussing his second and third dream. We also spend some time talking about prophetic math.
162 | TE006 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 6 | The Left Bookend
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We dive into the Book of Daniel. Seven stories on worship. And our first few steps into Apocalyptic Prophecy.
161 | TE005 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 5 | Making It Plain
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We dive into plain language used in the Bible to describe the fact that the End of Time is a very real thing.
160 | TE004 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 4 | Choosing Sides
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We dive into Christian Eschatology and the different ways people Interpret Prophecy, understand the Millennium and when they believe the Rapture takes place.
159 | TE003 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 3 | Carrying the Torch
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We discuss how truth has been passed down since the dawn of time. How the Bible talks about the end times in varying levels of complexity and why understanding prophecy is important.
158 | TE002 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 2 | The Flip Side
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We discuss the religious or spiritual side of the coin. Large groups of people who come together because they have supernatural beliefs about death and what happens at the end of time.
157 | TE001 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 1 | The Doomsday Clock
This week we start a new series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We discuss the Doomsday Clock, and the difference between Scientific Eschatology and Religious or Spiritual Eschatology.