CDT09 | Transcend Human
This week we look at practical ways to act on the things we've learned. From living on mission to living the Transcend Human Lifestyle - you'll find practical next steps toward the life you've always wanted.
088 | Transcending Secrecy
We all have secrets. But does that mean they're okay? Join us as we unpack what it means to keep secrets in the family setting. And how they can keep us from really connecting the way God intended.
TP10 | Transcendent Parenting | Ruthless Parenting Assessment - Part 2
This week the McMullen Clan sits around the dining room table to talk things over. We ask the kids to assess our parenting skills. And to be honest about what we did right and where we missed the mark.
TP09 | Transcendent Parenting | Ruthless Parenting Assessment - Part 1
This week the McMullen Clan sits around the dining room table to talk things over. We ask the kids to assess our parenting skills. And to be honest about what we did right and where we missed the mark.
066 | Transcending Drama
Do you get caught up in drama? Are you the one creating the drama? This week we look at the dark side of drama and how we can live a drama-free life.