151 | The Transcendent Rant (Chapter 4)
Join us this week for our next "Transcendent Rant." This week we address being lost and tossed around in the craziness and chaos we're experiencing in the world today. And we look at two ways we can avoid getting caught up in it.
114 | The Transcendent Rant (Chapter 1)
Join us this week for our first "Transcendent Rant." Typically these rants will include various topics that have nothing in common. But this week they all seemed to fit into one category: The End of Time.
094 | Transcending Life Change (Guest: Tyler McMullen)
Join me this week as I interview Tyler McMullen on the impact change can have on your life. Not small changes like the brand of potato chips you buy. Life changes like moving from Indiana to California in 6th Grade. Join us as we talk about the move, the adjustment period and mental health issues that arose along the way.
045 | Transcending Church
In this episode we discuss the true nature of church. What it is, how we engage in it and the impact COVID-19 may have on the way we do church in the future.