184 | TTT008 | Internal vs. External Storylines
This week we stop short - to explore a new concept that is challenging my original plotting style. The idea that it is better to develop an Internal Storyline first - then add the External Storyline ONLY to ensure that the internal change happens correctly in your Protagonist. It's a different way of looking at things - but it also sounds right to me.
176 | Transcending Your Brand (Season 5 Opener)
Welcome to Season 5! This year we embark on an entirely new journey. Transcend Human has been going strong for 4 years - but this year it gets a makeover. Join me this week as I cast vision for that change and together we'll dive into the abyss - and see where it takes us.
154 | Transcending Uncertainty
This week we dive into Uncertainty. A thought process that often leads to worry, anxiety and fear. It keeps us stuck and makes it difficult to make changes in our lives. But that doesn't have to be the end of the story - we can push through Uncertainty in order to change, grow, mature and succeed in life.
116 | Transcending Woke (Part 1)
We've all heard the term "woke." But what does it mean? And who is part of that group? Join us as we discuss the current culture, our role in it and how we can set an alarm clock to make sure we don't sleep through it.
094 | Transcending Life Change (Guest: Tyler McMullen)
Join me this week as I interview Tyler McMullen on the impact change can have on your life. Not small changes like the brand of potato chips you buy. Life changes like moving from Indiana to California in 6th Grade. Join us as we talk about the move, the adjustment period and mental health issues that arose along the way.