159 | TE003 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 3 | Carrying the Torch
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We discuss how truth has been passed down since the dawn of time. How the Bible talks about the end times in varying levels of complexity and why understanding prophecy is important.
CDT09 | Transcend Human
This week we look at practical ways to act on the things we've learned. From living on mission to living the Transcend Human Lifestyle - you'll find practical next steps toward the life you've always wanted.
090 | The Transcendent Truth Path
This week we discuss Absolute Truth, deconstructionism and our role in preserving Absolute Truth on the Truth Path from the beginning of time to the end of time.
066 | Transcending Drama
Do you get caught up in drama? Are you the one creating the drama? This week we look at the dark side of drama and how we can live a drama-free life.