090 | The Transcendent Truth Path
Date: November 22, 2021
Minute of Transparency: Testing Gravity
Today's Topic: The Transcendent Truth Path
In this episode:
The "Truth Path"
Preserving Absolute Truth
This is really the concept behind this episode.
This idea that there is a "Truth Path" that stretches from the beginning of time to the end of time.
I'm going to refer to it throughout this episode as Absolute Truth - because I believe it came directly from the Creator and cannot be changed:
So what truths am I referring to? Well there seem to be two pretty obvious categories:
Truths about the natural world - things like gravity, the boiling point of water, etc.
And then truths that exist not because of the natural world, but because God said they were truths - things like love, freedom of choice, grace, salvation, etc.
The important thing is that we recognize these truths as Absolute - that they apply in their entirety until the end of time.
And when you look back to the beginning - you can see how this Absolute Truth was carried like an Olympic Torch throughout history - all the way to us today.
"Truth Path" Timeline:
The "Truth Path" began with God during the creation of our world
It was handed to Adam & Eve
It was carried by Patriarchs like Enoch, Noah, Methuselah and Abraham
Eventually, truth was formalized for the first time into a religion:
Jacob was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel
These tribes made up the Israelite, or Jewish people
Who carried Absolute Truth for many years
Then came the time of Jesus on earth
Jesus literally lived Absolute Truth for all to see
The Jewish people did not view Jesus as God in the flesh
So the torch was passed to a new group of people after Jesus died
This group was called The Way - which eventually became the Christian faith
Christianity was largely overtaken by the Catholic Church back in the Dark Ages
But Absolute Truth remained with small groups of people
Eventually the Protestant Reformation grew large enough to pull away from Catholicism
Which leads us to you and me today
We live in a world where Christianity remains - and Absolute Truth is available
It's just hard to find since Christianity is so splintered
So many denominations, and now the emergence of the evangelical mega church in it's many shapes and sizes
But the important thing to understand in all of this is that:
Absolute Truth has been handed down on the "Truth Path" since Creation
Absolute Truth isn't going anywhere
And it will be here until the end of time
It's available to each of us if we're willing to search for it
So what is it that keeps us from finding Absolute Truth and living according to it?
Well, one big reason is the existence of Satan. He's very smart, and is always working to distract us from what's really important in life.
When it comes to Absolute Truth he's employed a number of tactics:
Early on he tried to kill off Absolute Truth:
Think about the Israelites enslaved in Egypt
Think about Christians being thrown to wild animals in the Coliseum in Rome
Think about the Dark Ages when the Catholic Church burned people at the stake for speaking out against pagan practices that had become part of the church
Next, Satan decided he would hide Absolute Truth like a needle in haystack by diversifying...
He manipulated people in the church so they each wanted to go in different directions
This led to the formation of hundreds of different Christian denominations
Satan knew by splitting the truth up into many versions - he would create doubt, infighting, and eventually frustration
People are less likely to trust Christianity when faced with so many versions of it
It's like going to the store to buy tooth paste...
It takes up an entire aisle these days
First, you have all the different brands
Then there is whitening vs. non-whitening
Paste vs. gel
Then there are all the different flavors
Some have flavor bursting crystals
Others have baking soda
Others are made for sensitive teeth
Apparently some can actually help the enamel on your teeth harden!
And that's just tooth paste!
Try walking down the potato chip aisle...
When you have countless options - there are times you just want to walk away without buying anything
And that's they way it can get for people when confronted with all the division in the Christian church
And finally, I believe Satan has moved on to his next strategy:
Busyness, Distraction & Misguidance
This latest strategy involves keeping us working so hard we don't have time to think. Work, kids, sports, shopping, etc.
It's living with so many distractions that we never slow down enough to think about spiritual things
And it's living in a world with so many competing voices in the news, in movies, on TV, through social media, etc. So many competing voices that we're having a harder and harder time identifying what is actually true
But if you believe in the concept of Absolute Truth, and this idea that it has followed the "Truth Path" from the beginning until now - you know how important it is in the grand scheme of things
We know that God will not allow His Absolute Truth to be hidden or phased out completely
There will be times when things seem pretty bleak - times when His truth is hanging on by a thread - but it's still there
God always has a group of people willing to carry the small flame of truth forward to the next generation
Story: Waldenses or Waldensians
Group of religious people living before the Protestant Reformation
Late 12th Century
This group held onto their beliefs at a time when the Catholic Church was persecuting anyone who did not go along with their version of truth
The Waldenses suffered intense persecution and were forced to hide out in the mountains in order to survive
But all the while they carried some of the basic teachings of Jesus - teachings that led to the Protestant Reformation and teachings that most Protestant Religions hold today
They were flame keepers - a small group that held on to the truth during a dark period of our history
And because they did - they preserved the "Truth Path" in their day
They carried the torch - and successfully passed it on to the next generation
Just a fancy word for taking things apart.
But at the same time - not simple at all...
Deconstructionism was a term first used in philosophy. I'll link to a definition in the show notes if you're interested. But it almost put me to sleep...
Which is ok - because it's not the "deconstructionism" we're going to focus on today. Deconstructionism is also a phenomenon in the church world. It's an approach to spirituality and religion that has become increasingly popular. A shiny new toy all the cool kids are buying into. A philosophy that is very attractive based on the who's who in that world - and the fact that you're considered "woke" if you join the movement. "Woke" just being today's term for being "enlightened..."
However, just because it appears to be the shiny new toy - doesn't mean it is. Deconstructionism like this has always existed in one form or another since the beginning of time.
Kurtis Vanderpool of Relevant Magazine discusses this in his article entitled: The Age of Deconstruction and Future of the Church
He does a good job explaining where it came from, popular people who came out as deconstructionists
And then explains that it isn't a fad, a phase or a season...
He believes it is here to stay, and that it's actually from God
A tool through which we remove some of the religious bloat - and get back to the important things - God, love, serving others, etc...
He believes deconstruction spells the end of the church in the west, but not the end of Christianity
He ends his article with this statement: "Deconstruction will bring us back to the heart of God."
And this is the foundation I want to work from in this section of the episode.
I agree with Kurtis and want to suggest that there are two versions of deconstructionism at work here:
The people who say, "I'm deconstructing my faith."
The people who say, "I'm deconstructing my religion."
VERY important distinction as we'll see...
Let's start with the religion piece. Because this is the piece I believe Kurtis was talking about:
Each os us who grew up with traditional Christianity - or religion - probably had a bad experience or two
Maybe it was a few false teachings thrown in accidentally
Maybe it was a pastor that had a moral failure
Maybe it was having overly involved parents who didn't practice what they preached
Maybe you were hurt by the church for any number of reasons
And this led you to a place that was uncomfortable
You - we - had to make some decisions about what we were taught
Were we going to buy in just like our parents did?
Or were we going to stand up and push back on some of those things - call a spade a spade - choose to live differently?
To me - this is deconstructing our religion
Looking back at the way Christianity was taught, lived out and forced upon us
But it isn't the Christianity we're deconstructing - it's the attitudes, the behaviors, the failures, the narcissism and the liberties people took with their religious beliefs
Those are the things we're questioning, and choosing to remove from our lives
Next, let's look at the other option - what it means to "deconstruct our faith:"
This is the flip side of the coin
Instead of deconstructing the negative, or flat out incorrect elements - you throw the baby out with the bath water
Instead of deconstructing your religious experience - you deconstruct Christianity itself
And this comes in a variety of shapes and sizes:
Some people slowly pull away from basic tenets of their faith
Others make sweeping changes all at once
And still others determine that Christianity is no longer for them
Maybe they jump to another world religion
Or in some situations people go straight to Atheism - a world religion in and of itself
This is really what I want to focus on in this section of the episode.
I've already suggested that Absolute Truth exists - and that it's on a "Truth Path" from the beginning of time to the end of time.
And if this is true...
“Deconstructing our faith is an experiment in futility. Because we’re actually trying to deconstruct Absolute Truth. Something that will continue to be true no matter what we believe about it.”
See how dangerous that is?
The simple illustration is gravity. Like we said earlier...
I can't jump off a cliff and say, "I don't believe in gravity - so I won't be impacted by it"
But the end result is the same - regardless what I believe about gravity
The Absolute Truth of gravity will drag me to my death in either scenario...
Of course deconstructing our faith doesn't have the immediate negative result jumping off a cliff does.
You can make that decision and still enjoy life, have fun, and be successful.
It isn't until you die, or the world ends, that you see the dividends from your decision to deconstruct your faith.
But at that point it's too late.
So let's get practical and specific...
When someone "deconstructs their faith" what is actually happening? Well, in order to answer that - let's use another illustration.
Let's pretend Absolute Truth is a large, 500 piece puzzle:
In order to see the full picture - you need every single piece
You can't lose one, throw one out, or cut a piece so it fit's somewhere else in the puzzle
Each of the 500 pieces has to be connected correctly
And each piece must lock into surrounding pieces in order for the whole picture to be seen
In this illustration, deconstruction occurs when we remove pieces from the puzzle. Pieces God created and put together correctly.
It's when we pull out one piece and decide, "I don't like this piece so I'm going to toss it in the trash."
Then, when we look back at our puzzle, it looks strange. Because there is a hole in the middle of the puzzle.
And this is the danger with the deconstructionist mindset today:
It's becoming popular to deconstruct the very thing that has endured since the dawn of time - the "Truth Path"
Taking one small piece of the larger puzzle out, manipulating it, deforming it and then trying to put it back into the larger puzzle
The problem is - this deformed piece has the power to ruin the entire puzzle
It's as if we've created a new religion called Deconstructionist Theology
Trimming our beliefs down so they fit better for us
An individualized approach to defining truth - picking and choosing the pieces we like best - even though the puzzle is no longer complete for us
Like we said above, Absolute Truth is Absolute Truth no matter what we believe about it. It doesn't change, it doesn't go away.
So when we engage in the deconstruction of our faith - we're simply changing the picture we see. The puzzle we're looking at. And obviously the way we present it to those around us.
Ultimately this is the danger.
Back to the gravity illustration...
Choosing not to believe in gravity is harmful to us. In fact it can kill us if we choose not to believe in the "absoluteness" of it
Similarly - we can mislead others. Like a parent telling their child gravity doesn't exist, then taking the child on a mountain hike near cliffs
It sounds really stupid when you look at it that way...
But ultimately - that's what we're talking about when it comes to Absolute Truth.
We're putting ourselves, and those around us in danger when we choose to ignore, or deconstruct Absolute Truth.
Now the title of this section is a little misleading...
"Preserving Absolute Truth..." As if it needs preserving - right? I mean we've made it pretty clear that Absolute Truth is what it is because it doesn't change - it doesn't go away.
So what we're talking about here is different. We're asking:
How do we preserve Absolute Truth in our lives?
How do we find it and hold onto it?
How do we protect ourselves from the allure of deconstructionism?
How do we find all 500 puzzle pieces - and see them as equally important?
How do we protect them in their original state - without altering them?
Only then will the puzzle remain in tact for us, for our family and for those we interact with.
Maybe along with Absolute Truth, we should use terms like "Congruent Truth," "Complementary Truth" or "Complete Truth" - things like that:
Because these words describe a synergy - a harmony that exists only when all of the pieces fit together properly
The problems begin when we attempt to change "Congruent Truth" into "Convenient Truth"
It's like finding a loose thread, and pulling on it - only to watch the entire sweater start to fall apart
Spoiler Alert: This is one of Satan's greatest weapons in the Controversy - especially today:
Getting us to rethink one small piece of Absolute Truth
Then - using that as the magnifying glass - everything else starts to unravel
Other puzzle pieces start to seem out of place
And before long we're questioning everything - all the pieces
This is the dark side of deconstructionism
The deconstruction process that impacts our actual faith - not just our religious experience
We take one piece of the puzzle out at a time, look it over, and decide we would like it to be slightly different
But this leads to two things:
As things start to unravel - we feel less and less sure about everything
We're slowly removing floor boards one at a time and we wonder why we're not finding a solid place to stand
We can be easily deceived in these situations because this new version of the truth is perfect for us
In fact, it seems better than the original because it fits like a glove - maybe it allows us to truly be ourselves - or to do the things we want to do
But this is so dangerous!
Absolute Truth was NOT created for us. It exists because it's the Truth - regardless whether or not it works for us
So let's get specific.
Here are just a few high level places where we start pulling on loose strings:
Failing to see the "Truth Path" (See above):
This might just be the most important one
It's when we choose to believe that there is no such thing as Absolute truth
This being the case - we make it up as we go
All truth is passed through our filter - which is typically selfish and self-serving
The problem is that our made up truth is rarely close to Absolute Truth
Who Jesus Is:
Many want to paint Jesus as a good person - but not God
This is one of the major puzzle pieces that you can't simply remove or change
The Bible explains that Jesus was part human and part God
And that it was this unique combination that allowed Him to live the perfect life, die for our sins and be resurrected
This is the key to everything!
So deconstructing who Jesus is, basically unravels all of Christianity
The Infallibility of the Bible:
Failing to see that the Bible includes Absolute Truth
That it isn't just a collection of interesting stories
It's quite literally the User Manual for the Human Race
For the Christian: Without the Bible - there would be no way to know or define Absolute Truth
Put another way: If we believe Jesus came to Earth, and was part God - we have no choice in how we view the Bible. Jesus taught that the scriptures were the Word of God. The only place to find Absolute Truth
State of the Dead:
What happens when you die?
Looking back through the "Truth Path" we find the original belief was that death is a sleep
You sleep in the grave until you are resurrected
This is another belief that fits into the larger puzzle of Absolute Truth
But when you change it - the puzzle falls apart - the sweater starts to unravel
It's popular these days to believe that when you die, your soul leaves your body and goes to heaven
So where did this come from? Isn't it part of the original "Truth Path"?
No! Not at all - it came straight out of Roman and Greek Mythology
And it challenges the Absolute Truth found in the Bible
The first recorded lie was when Satan told Adam & Eve that if they ate the fruit God asked them not to eat - they would NOT surely die
He told them they would live on - and that death would not be a final thing - sound familiar? The soul leaving the body and living on after death?
If we're all still alive in some form or fashion - what's the need to be resurrected?
And, if it IS true that our souls leave our bodies when we die - Satan wasn't lying!!!
We're saying that Satan was telling the truth - and it was God who lied to Adam & Eve...
Ouch! See what I mean by things unraveling quickly?
Bible Stories: Stories like the Universal Flood:
People are always questioning stories that seem too big to be true
Stories that seem to defy science, or our natural laws
Stories like Jonah being swallowed by a whale
The burning bush that wasn't consumed
The donkey that talked to his owner
The sun standing still
And yes - the story of Noah's Flood
When people can't wrap their minds around stories like this - they tend to discount them in some way
Typically writing them off as works of fiction
Made up stories used as illustrations
Stories meant to inspire, or teach us life lessons - but things that didn't actually happen
But when we do this:
We limit the power of God:
We put Him in a box and say, "No - we know better than that. There's no way that could have happened."
Completely forgetting that God is an All-Powerful Being
I mean - if you believe we were created - and that God created the Earth - why is it so hard to believe God has the power to manipulate our natural surroundings?
Do you really think The Flood was difficult for Him?
We fail to see the truth behind the stories:
In the case of The Flood - the truth behind the story is epic and eternal
The Flood was a is as a dress rehearsal for the End of Time
Not that there will be another flood - the Bible makes that pretty clear
But it was an illustration for us
A physical, tangible event that should wake us up to the fact that we aren't at the top of the food chain
God is in control and God has the power to end things on this planet
The story of The Flood directly correlates with what will happen at the End of Time
History will repeat itself: "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." Matthew 24:37
So what was it like in the days of Noah?
How were they acting?
What was the culture like?
What were the popular beliefs of the day?
What was up with the small group of people carrying the Absolute Truth that a Flood was coming?
And what was up with that choice people had?
Get on the boat, or choose not to get on the boat
Listen to your conscience, or go against it
According to the Bible - history will repeat itself
Things in our culture will mimic life at the time of The Flood
And at some point - there will be a small group of people carrying Absolute Truth to the rest of the world
And everyone on Earth will be given a choice to make - and eternal choice - a life or death choice:
Not if they should get on a boat or not
It will be something else - but just as important:
For example:
Like the Israelites fleeing Egypt:
They came to the Red Sea, God parted the water, and they had a choice - a life or death kind of choice:
Trust God, walk through the Sea and live
Or trust in science and your own understanding, stay on the shore, and die when the Egyptians arrived
Throughout time, people have lived through events like these where they had to make a decision - life or death decisions
And so it will be at the end of time - as it was in the days of Noah...
The Literal Creation Week:
The idea that God created the Earth in 6 literal, 24-hour days - then rested for 1 literal, 24-hour day
Put those together and you have 1 literal, 7 day week
Sound familiar? It's the same week we have today!
The 7 day block of time on everyone's calendar
And, the only block of time without celestial support: What do I mean by that?
Day: Earth making one full revolution
Month: Moon making one full revolution around the Earth
Year: The Earth making one full revolution around the sun
But what celestial support is there for the week?
The only reason we have the week is because God handed it to us - and told us it was good
That it was a rhythm our bodies needed
Work for 6 days and rest for 1
A cycle that keeps us healthy and keeps us from getting burned out
He called it the Sabbath - and the only reason it exists is because God knew it was important to our health and wellbeing
So what happens when we deconstruct things like the 7 literal day creation story?
First, we're telling God to take a hike
That His Word wasn't clear enough somehow
That we know better
When the Bible says, "And there was evening, and there was morning - the third day..." It has to be talking about a year right? Or maybe a decade? Or possibly 1000 years?!
It couldn't possibly be a literal day right?
And the fact that God's chosen people - the Israelites - were on a schedule of 6 work days and 1 rest day - that couldn't possibly be right as well?
They must have been confused in some way right? Even though Israelite leaders like Moses had actual conversations with God? There must have been some miscommunication - God probably just wasn't clear enough right?
Sorry for the sarcasm - but see how that works?
See how choosing to deconstruct that one little piece (whether or not God created the Earth in 7 literal days) has a ripple effect that immediately calls into question other things:
Like the weekly cycle
And that resting on one day each week is important
This whole concept of resting on a day is called the Sabbath in the Bible
It's based on a 7 day cycle
And it's based on the creation week - when God set it up
Now, this isn't an episode that deals with end time events - so we'll stop while we're ahead
But spoiler alert: What if the Sabbath was the choice we had to make at the End of Time?
The life or death choice - the eternal decision - the "get on the boat" moment for the final generation?
Sounds pretty far fetched right? Too simple? Too picky?
I don't know about you - but it doesn't sound a whole lot different than someone asking you to get on a boat, or cross a dried up Sea bed
And if it is true - can you see how important it would be NOT to deconstruct the belief in a literal 7 day creation week?
This is a puzzle piece that has to remain in tact. It's a part of Absolute truth that has been passed down on the "Truth Path" since the dawn of time
And there you have it:
Just a few of the threads that have been pulled by deconstructionists throughout history
But these aren't the only ones - there are many more
These are just a few of them - ones I thought might help illustrate the dangers of deconstructionism
And the fact that deconstructing small pieces of your faith can have massive ripple effects
Effects that can unravel even the most expensive sweaters...
Let’s Land the Plane:
This week - ask yourself the following questions:
Do you believe in Absolute Truth, and the idea that a "Truth Path" stretches from the Beginning of Time to the End of Time?
If so, how does this impact your decision-making?
Looking back on your life - can you see places where you tried deconstructing your faith?
If so - can you pinpoint the reasons? The ultimate intention behind it?
What were these beliefs you changed? And do you need to dust some of them off and think through them again?
And finally, what does it look like for you to "Preserve Absolute Truth?"
For you personally?
For your family?
For those you come in contact with?
Thank you for joining us this week - it was a long one - but hopefully it opened a can of worms.
Many of these conversations don't happen these days. We're too busy, or we feel like we've already answered enough spiritual stuff in our lives.
So we ignore things like this. We pretend it isn't there - and that it isn't important. Until it's too late.
I love that we get to do this together - and that we get to wrestle with the hard questions like these.
Have a great week, hang on to Absolute Truth, and as always keep Transcending Human!