070 | Transcending Legacy
Your behavior is far more important than you might think. It has a ripple effect that stretches far beyond you. Today we talk about the importance of legacy, and what we can do about it today.
069 | Transcending Negativity
Are you an optimist, pessimist, realist or idealist? Do you struggle with negativity? If so, let's talk about it - and how to add a bit more positivity into our lives.
038 | Transcending Medical Conditions
In this episode we talk about medical problems, the fact that we all experience them and the impact they can have on our lives and emotional wellbeing.
037 | Transcending Our World View
In this episode we talk about the 4 World views. Are you an Optimist? A Pessimist? A Realist? Or an Idealist? What does this really mean? And how can we transcend our stereotype?