123 | Transcending More
July 11, 2022
Minute of Transparency: Getting My Life Back
Today's Topic: Transcending More
I was made for more
More of me
More for others
More for later
Have you heard this phrase before?
"I was made for more"
"We were made for more"
I ask - because on the one hand it seems like a phrase everyone has probably heard. But on the other hand - I grew up in a Christian bubble - so it could just be from that.
So in order to find out - let's do a little research...
When you Google "Made for more" - this is what you find:
A devotional from Faith Gateway
A book written by Joel Osteen's sister Lisa
A music video by the artist PITA
A SparkPeople.com success story
And a handful of Facebook posts from Calvary Baptist Church
At least those were the things that stood out on the first page of results.
Mostly spiritual in nature - so I'm leaning toward the fact that this phrase may be more popular in Christian circles than in our culture at large.
But thats fine - because there IS something very spiritual about the idea - which is why I wanted to do an entire episode on it.
I mean, on the surface, "I was made for more" just has a spiritual ring to it - right?
To me it suggests things like:
There is the normal me and there is the me that I want to be
There's the me that lives in this world and the me that feels like there is something more
There's the me that takes the easy way out and the me that does the more difficult thing
There's the me that follows the crowd and the me that leads people in a positive direction
There's the me that takes the six lane highway and the me that takes the small, winding path
The me that chooses to keep using alcohol and the me that chooses the path to recovery
There's the me that gives into the Human Condition and the me that attempts to Transcend Human
All very spiritual in nature - the idea that there is something transcendent - something that hovers above our normal human existence.
And what do we mean when we say "spiritual"?
Well, dictionary.com defines spiritual in the following ways:
of, relating to, or consisting of spirit - duh...
of, or relating to the spirit or soul, as distinguished from the physical nature
Much more helpful than the first definition...
It suggests that being spiritual has everything to do with our spirit, or our soul - a piece of us that is uniquely different than the physical self.
Now, this isn't exclusively a Christian thing. In fact most world religions would say that we have a physical body and spiritual component.
Even the scientific community, and psychologists differentiate between the physical, and what they would call the psyche, or the personality of a person. Made up of the Id, the Ego and the Superego. They may not refer to this as the "spiritual" part of a person. But it plays the same role. Don't you find it interesting that Superego is the part that is responsible for our morals and values - helping us determine if something is right or wrong? Of course a psychologist would be quick to explain that this higher level of thought doesn't come from God, or a spiritual connection - it simply develops over time based on the people places and things that define your childhood.
And while I agree that these things do help shape us - I would also suggest this is where the spiritual element resides:
Both due to religious upbringing
And through a direct connection with The Creator - the conscience.
But we're getting off track a bit. We'll leave spirituality alone for now - but I really wanted to lay a foundation for our conversation on being "Made for more."
Because it's important to understand that these two concepts overlap:
Being made for more is related to the spiritual side of each person
And our spirituality is our direct connection to the "more" we want to achieve
Now - this isn't 100% true in every situation.
For example: A person with absolutely no spiritual beliefs could still use this phrase. Let's say a person is a pretty good soccer player - but just isn't getting the playing time they think they deserve. So they tell people, I was made for more than this! They work super hard, and eventually get more playing time and eventually wind up on a professional soccer team.
Completely legit. And this happens for many people in many different ways.
But I'm going to suggest that these are the exceptions - and not the rule. For every person that tries harder and makes it in life - there are hundreds who try hard and never make it.
But I believe the rule behind the phrase "made for more" is a spiritual one. That there is a level of thinking, behaving and feeling that is consistent with what the world expects, and then there is a level of thinking, behaving and feeling that is transcendent - that rises above the Human Condition.
“There is a level of thinking, behaving and feeling that is consistent with what the world expects, and then there is a level of thinking, behaving and feeling that is transcendent - that rises above the Human Condition.”
And this to me is the essence behind this idea of being "made for more."
It's seeing the difference between the two choices - and choosing the higher path - because we know it's the more we were made for.
So that's the foundation for our conversation today.
For the rest of the episode we're going to look at three versions of "more" that we have available to us:
More of me
More for others
More for later
// 2. MORE OF ME
So if I looked you in the eyes and said, "You were made for more."
Technically - I could be referring to any of the three things we're going to walk through today.
But chances are - your immediate thought would be yourself. The all caps YOU. You'd probably assume hat the "more" I was talking about had to do with you becoming a better version of yourself. Working on your thinking, behaving and feeling.
And that's fine - given that we live in a capitalistic society - we came by it honestly. Our culture thrives on individualism, the pursuit of personal happiness, survival of the fittest, being the best you can be, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, clawing your way to the top, climbing the corporate ladder - all that good stuff.
So let's look at ourselves in the mirror. If we were made for more - what would that look like:
If we truly morphed into this "more" character
What would we start doing?
What would we stop doing?
How would we treat others?
What would we look like?
How would we dress?
How would we talk?
What would we do with our time?
What would we spend money on?
Now, I could keep going with the questions - and try to make sure I had a complete list - but that would be exhausting...
So it might be best to start with the "why" and not the "what" or the "how."
Because the "why" is very important.
Just do an Amazon search for "The Power of Why" and see how many books come up.
At this point "Finding your why" is a cultural phenomenon in this country - because we're all about introspection, and understanding ourselves.
We've learned that figuring out our "why" is the first step in doing something with intentionality. We increase the odds that we'll be successful. And ultimately this is supposed to produce happiness - right?
So let's jump back to this concept of spirituality for a minute. A concept that means different things to different people.
Because of this - I can't speak for everyone - only myself - as a Christian.
And in the Christian tradition we have a few core beliefs that provide our "why."
I'm not going to walk through all of them - but they include things like:
The existence of God, who created all things - including us
The idea that Jesus came to earth as a sacrifice for us
The idea that anyone who believes in Jesus can go to Heaven and live forever
Ultimately for the Christian - these concepts and beliefs are helping us answer the Big 3 Questions:
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
And where do I go when I die?
So let's put the two ideas together for the Christian:
Being "made for more" is completely wrapped up in the answers to the Big 3 Questions.
Why? Because it's the why behind the what and how. These answers give us the purpose and meaning behind our lives. Why there is a "more" to go after in the first place.
If I believe I was created by God - a perfect Being with no beginning and no end - that adds a whole new dimension to my life.
If I take that knowledge, along with the knowledge gained from seeing how Jesus lived.
And then throw in the fact that I can live forever if I choose to.
That pretty much defines the concept of being "made for more."
So what does that look like in your life?
I can only speak for myself - so for me it looks like this:
Choosing every day to represent my Creator
Being a lifelong learner - always willing to learn new things about God, life and my place in the world
Understanding that I have value and purpose simply because I exist:
Which in turn suggests I should take care of myself
Eat good food
Get exercise
Be in the sun and in nature on a regular basis
Stay away from things that are obviously harmful to my body:
In my case this means drugs, alcohol, pornography among other things like not giving in to laziness, or my introvertedness
For most other things - living life with the rule of moderation:
Choosing to go easy on things that could become harmful
Things like caffeine, sugar, social media, entertainment, etc.
Looking at every situation in life as a spiritual decision:
On the surface something might look one-sided - like you don't have options
But look deeper and you often find you have two options:
One that the world suggests - believing there is no moral or value connected to it
And another one that understands the spiritual weight involved
And once we see the spiritual implications - it's up to us how we respond
Now those were just a few of the things I view as elements of being "made for more" individually. Being "More of me."
It was so hard not to mention this in the previous section. Because part of me being more as an individual - is to see that I'm not the center of the universe.
It's moving my focus from me to we. From me to others.
And you can't really disconnect the two. I simply talked about More of Me first - because that may be where it's easiest to start. By looking in the mirror and seeing things we need to change within ourselves.
But very quickly, on the heels of those changes, should come a new vision for those around us.
Ultimately - this is what "made for more" means to me. It could literally have been changed to "made for others" and I wouldn't have blinked.
Because people who look out for other people, and help others in need are "more." They're different because they don't fit into the capitalistic culture we've created here in this country:
Survival of the fittest, and helping an old lady cross the street are diametrically opposed. It doesn't compute
Like: Climbing the corporate ladder and helping others achieve their dreams
Constantly adding zeros to your savings account and helping families hit by a hurricane
Always making sure things work out well for you and being able to see the needs in others
This is what we're up against. Moving from a selfish world view to an open, sharing world view.
I believe this is often the most overlooked part of being "made for more."
Because we're all willing to entertain the first one - that there are things we can do to make ourselves better:
But could it be that this often comes from a selfish place within us?
That we're not really out to make the world a better place
Deep inside we believe that if we improve ourselves - it will benefit us in some way
That it will get us something?
The idea that looking better, being healthier, getting a better job - will in some way make us better than others? And ultimately help us achieve individual happiness?
And then there's the final "more" - which we'll talk about in a minute.
But it's the middle one that's often forgotten. Being "more for others" just isn't as flashy. There's less in it for us. In fact there's often nothing in it for us.
Because to be "more for others" often means we choose to give away, or give up things for ourselves.
This is something I've struggled with my whole life. Choosing to put others before my own desires and dreams:
It shows itself in small things like:
Wanting things - material possessions - often ones I don't really need
Finding it difficult to go to serve events - easily blamed on my personality - but not an excuse
Viewing Transcend Human, and my writing as my "ministry" - how I "serve" others
Now, this is hard because I still haven't come to a conclusion about it
On the one hand I do view it as a ministry. When you add up all the hours I put into it and the fact that it doesn't make me money - it feels like serving
But on the other hand it's a very "clean" ministry - meaning I'm not really having to get my hands dirty - helping real people in real world situations
So I get stuck...and go back and forth on it in my mind
But this is where my wife comes in - and how opposites attract:
She is a lot more outgoing than I am
And she has always had a heart for kids
So over the years we've spent a fair amount of time being bonus parents to kids in need:
Through the Safe Families program - we've had many kids come in and out of our home - some for a weekend, and others for an entire summer
In the near future we will be certified as Foster Parents - which means we will most likely have a new kid or two in our home
But we've even been able to help a few of our kids friends. Friends who were kicked out of their home, and had no place to go. We were able to be a safe place for them as they reconnected with their parents
Now I don't say these things to pat myself on the back
Again - I don't know that this comes naturally for me
But one thing I know for sure - I don't regret any of it
I believe that we were "made for more" and that this is the hardest part - the choice to be "more for others"
Now - before we leave this section I can't forget to tie being "more for others" back to the second of the Big 3 Questions."
Why am I here?
And from the Christian perspective - the answer is pretty clear. Jesus came to live a perfect life - and in essence model for us what it means to be "made for more."
And how did Jesus do that? Did He look amazing? Wear all the right clothes? Hang out with the right people? Was He an influencer on social media? Did He drive the most expensive chariot? Did He live in a mansion by the Ocean?
No. Actually it was the opposite. He was confident, because He knew who He was and where He came from. But everything after that was outward focused:
He came to serve
He helped those in need
He listened
He helped people understand things they were confused about
He helped people see their worth
He stood for social justice
He elevated women
He talked to people of other ethnicities - even though they were considered less than
And when push came to shove - He gave up His life for everyone else
Jesus died a wrongful death on a Roman cross to make a way for each of us to succeed
Jesus showed us what it means to be "made for more" and His life made it clear that perhaps the most important part of it is being "more for others."
I know right?! We all have work to do - but every step counts.
Earlier, I alluded to the fact that "More of me" and "More for later" are pretty easy compared to being "More for others."
"More of me" is simply working on myself - being the best version of me. Often with selfish side effects...
And then there is "More for Later" which can be equally selfish. Because it has to do with the third of the Big 3 Questions:
Where do I go when I die?
And in very literal terms - others aren't part of this equation.
In the Christian faith - there's this thing called "Justification" which means we have been "cleaned" or "fixed."
Every human being is born with the Sin Virus - a virus that eventually leads to death.
However, this is why Jesus came to Earth. He lived the perfect life - free from the Sin Virus - and was then killed by the very people He came to save.
Because Jesus was without sin, and because He was actually the One who created us - His death became very important. It became a portal to escape the effects of the Sin Virus. He made a way so that each of us could become vaccinated against the Sin Virus and pass from this life into an eternal life the way we were originally created.
So this is the third part of being "Made for more." The idea that we have access to "More for later."
Again, somewhat selfish - because it's all about me - my future - and whether or not I want to live forever.
But to wrap things up I want to be clear - these three things should not be viewed as one offs. Like, "I think I'll be 'More of me' and 'More for others' but I'm not really into 'More for later.'"
My suggestion is that we view all three as part of a whole. That in order to truly be "made for more" we need to accept and pursue all three.
Similar to the Big 3 Questions. We can't just answer one or two of them and stop trying. Every person on Earth benefits from answering all three:
To know where we came from
To know why we're here
And to know what will happen to us after this life ends
So too - being "made for more" requires us to move in three directions:
Working to be the best version of myself
Working to be more for others
And choosing the free gift of eternal life which comes later
Let's Land the Plane:
In the past we talked about the "scratch" - referring to the short time we have here on Earth:
We talked about how we can live for the "scratch" - just living for me, right here, and right now
Or that we can live during "scratch" as if we were "made for more"
Living lives on purpose
Living to help others
And living with the goal of living forever
This week - ask yourself the following questions:
Where do you land on this idea of being "made for more"?
If you believe it - has it impacted your life?
If you don't believe it - same question?
When we talked about "More of me" what came to mind?
Is there something you could do this week - some small step?
Something you could stop doing? Something you could start doing?
Same thing with "More for others"?
What percentage of your day is focused on you?
And what percentage is spent on others?
What would it look like to change the percentages in favor of others?
And finally - where are you at with "More for later"?
I know - it's all about you
But it's still important!
This is eternity we're talking about
Have you accepted the Antidote to the Sin Virus?
If not - I encourage you to make it official
Get the vaccine - it's free - there are no political strings attached - and you don't have to wait in long lines...
That's it folks!
Thanks for stopping by - love having you with us.
I hope you found this encouraging - and that it gives you something to think about this week.
Until next time, have a great week, live like you were made for more, and as always, keep Transcending Human!