Transcend Human

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001 | What Is Transcend Human?

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001 | What Is Transcend Human? Daryl McMullen

Here we go! The inaugural episode of the Transcend Human Podcast.

Here are some of the ideas/concepts we cover in this episode:

Communication Spectrum: 

  • Writing (behind the scenes/content creation)

  • Podcasting (audio/voice)

  • YouTubers (video/voice and picture)

  • Public Speaking (full social engagement in real time)

Today’s Topic: What is Transcend Human and where did it come from?


  1. The Human Condition

  2. Our Response to the Human Condition

  3. The Matrix

  4. Disclaimers


The Human Condition defined: 

  • The totality of the human experience

    • A person’s “life journey” from birth to death

      • Includes all major milestones like: childhood, education, graduations, relationships, marriage, divorce, children, retirement, etc.

      • And within that skeleton - all other life experiences we face: Things as simple as a positive interactions at a grocery store. And things as traumatic as being kidnapped, or being involved in a major car accident

    • It also includes any medical issues we experience during our lifetime  

    • And finally, it includes our state of mental health: The way we think, feel and behave in response to our life experiences

    • To summarize: The human condition is the totality of these three areas throughout our lives:

      • Our life journey

      • Our physical condition

      • Our state of mental health


  • As I was rehashing this concept from the past, these truths stood out:

    • The human condition applies to everyone

    • Nobody is exempt from the different elements of the human condition

    • And yet we all act differently when confronted with similar life experiences

    • Why is this?

    • It’s because we all have the ability to choose how we respond to the experiences we face

    • And while there is a vast spectrum of ways we can respond to it, I think there are two high level categories most people fall into:

      • The Earthly/Human View: Tends to be reactionary, survival of the fittest, get as much as you can, as long as you’re happy, etc. 

      • The Higher View (or the Transcendent View): Tends to be proactive, looking out for the good of others, living with purpose, etc.

      • THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS TO TRANSCEND HUMAN: To transcend human is to stand up, look around, and determine that living on purpose if better than just reacting to what the world throws at us...


  • The Matrix movie series is a good illustration of Transcend Human:

  • The Matrix Trilogy was directed by The Wachowski Brothers

  • Summary:

    • People living on planet Earth are not physically there - instead they are living in a computer simulation called The Matrix

    • Most of the people living in the matrix are oblivious to the fact that the world around them is NOT real

    • There are people who became aware of this fact - and chose to live outside of The Matrix

    • Neo is the “savior” character in the series - and illustrates the entire process from naivete to enlightenment:

      1. Began to feel like something wasn’t right

      2. Began searching for the truth

      3. Found Morpheus and his crew who offered him the truth:

        1. Blue pill - go back to your life

        2. Red pill - “You stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

      4. Neo chose the red pill - choosing to know the truth vs. staying in the world he knew and was comfortable navigating 

      5. Then he lived in that truth - which ultimately led to him saving Zion and fulfilling his destiny

And so it is with us in this life… 

  • Many of us are walking around oblivious to the fact that we’re slaves to a construct the world has created

  • We believe the lie that the world revolves around us and our happiness

  • We can’t see beyond our little bubble of safety and security

  • But like Neo, some of us feel the discrepancy. We begin searching for truth, and eventually find a purpose that transcends the construct of this world - and in this we find true purpose for living


  • Important observations about myself and how my life circumstance could impact my thoughts and opinions:

    • Worldview: Judeo/Christian

    • Ethnicity: Caucasian

    • Gender: Male

    • Socio-economic status:

      • Upper Middle Class / USA / Orange County, CA

      • Ranking: In the 98th percentile globally

  • Given this, it is VERY important for me to recognize the privilege I hold, and the responsibility I have to be open-minded, and inclusive as I seek to dialogue with people of every gender/sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, level of education, socioeconomic status, political persuasion, and how a person is experiencing the human condition.