“How we can rise above the human condition”
"A willingness to put in the effort to find essential truth"
Truth is one of the most important elements in the Transcend Human ecosystem. It’s the foundation upon which the entire theory is built - and without it, we wouldn’t be able to say anything with certainty. Without some things being “true” in life, every day would be different for us - waiting to see how things would play out differently each day.
Gravity, for example is an absolute truth that we have come to count on. If we woke up one morning and gravity decided to go on strike, we wouldn’t have a clue what to do next.
Similarly, we count on truths like the controversy, the effects of the sin virus, that we all experience the human condition, and that we all have freedom of choice in the controversy. Once we understand these truths, we are free to take our lives to the next level.
“A willingness to be honest with yourself and others"
Transcend Human depends on transparency in order for it to take root in peoples lives.
First, we have to be transparent with ourselves. Doing a rigorous self-assessment in order to expose the lies we believe, and the inaccurate views we have of ourselves, of others and of the world around us. These lies and inaccuracies come from Satan, from our upbringings, from others, from our cultures and from the things we fill our minds with. We have to strip all of this away in order to get to the truth, and build back an accurate worldview.
Second, we need to be transparent with others. A level of honesty that pushed past our difference, insecurities and fears - allowing us to connect on a spiritual level as brothers and sisters - sons and daughters of our Creator. However, this isn’t a blunt, arrogant, in-you-face level of honest. It is telling the truth in love.
“A willingness to step out of your comfort zone in order to learn and grow"
Growth is another key element for those trying to Transcend Human. Once you have come to an understanding of the truth and are transparent with yourself and others, there is nowhere to go but up.
“You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.” An interesting song by The Oak Ridge Boys back in 2005. This is similar to the way Transcend Human views personal growth.
“You don’t have to become a better person, but you can’t stay the way you are.” I mean you can stay where you are, but not if your intention is to Transcend Human. Because growth is required. You have to become a Lifelong Learner, get out of your comfort zone and start living in the new truth and transparency you’ve found.
The other essential piece is moving from consumer to contributor. For many of us, consuming is what we love to do - things like eating out, purchasing products or binge-watching Netflix. But what would it look like if we were the one making the amazing food? Producing the product? Shooting the TV show? Creating the blog posts? Recording the podcast? We each have a uniqueness about us. Share it with the world!
“A willingness to put the needs of others before your own and do good in the world"
“…but the greatest of these is love…” (1 Corinthians 13:13 NKJV)
Drop the mic… In all sincerity, Transcend Human views love as an essential element found in those who attempt to Transcend Human. It isn’t optional, it has to be present. If you could take a DNA test and it showed the presence of love, it would be there 100% of the time.
As mentioned above, we tell the truth in love. Without love our truth-telling could become self-serving, mean, aggressive and downright harmful to those on the other end.
Love is multi-faceted. But here are at least three people (groups of people) we need to love:
Our Creator: For obvious reasons
Ourselves: Not a love that makes us arrogant or narcissistic. A love that acknowledges our worth as children of God. A love that ensures we take care of ourselves and understand our place in the world
Others: From your spouse, to family, friends, acquaintances and the stranger down the street and around the world.