Transcend Human Believes
The 7 Tenets of Transcend Human
A Controversy Exists
Simply put: "There is a battle going on behind the scenes between God and Satan for the allegiance of every human being past, present and future.”
Has always existed
Has no beginning and no end
Is a “Triune Being” made up of three distinct but equal parts: Father, Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit
He is a creative Being and has probably created many things we aren’t even aware of
He resides in a place we call Heaven
We understand He created a race of beings called Angels prior to the creation of Earth
At some point in time, He decided to create a race of beings “in His image"
He created the Earth, furnished it and placed us on it along with numerous animal species found on earth, in the waters and in the air
A created being - created by God
An angel in a high position in Heaven
Became jealous of God and wanted to be like God
War In Heaven:
Satan led a smear campaign in Heaven and got 1/4 of the angels to side with him against God
This led to war in Heaven
Satan and his angels lost the war and were forced out of Heaven
We aren’t sure why - but they were banished to Earth
Battle on Earth:
Satan immediately sought to convince humankind that God was unfair
He manipulated the first humans into choosing against God
From then on Satan has been the ruler of this world
Thus began the battle:
Satan trying to get us to worship him instead of God
God offering us a way back to the life we had when we were first created
The Sin Virus
When Satan gave in to his feelings of jealousy in Heaven, and chose to rebel against The Creator, he initiated something called “sin” - a virus that started in him, was passed throughout the angels he influenced and was eventually brought to Earth where it was passed on to us (humankind).
The Sin Virus had an immediate impact - and can still be seen today in these two very distinct ways:
Human Disturbance:
The sin virus immediately separated us from God
No longer would we be able to walk and talk with God in person
Life was no longer eternal - the sin virus set death in motion for every living thing
So death is the direct result of sin - and is our final destination as humans
The perfect world we knew was no longer perfect - and so entered pain, suffering, fear, anxiety, depression, anger, and the list goes on...
Earth Decompensation:
Similarly, the Earth was “separated” from God
Because Satan was bound to Earth, and convinced humans to follow him, control was turned over to him
And so the physical planet also moved from being perfect (eternal) to temporary and flawed - cast into a state of gradual (but determined) decompensation
Like humans, the Earth will eventually “die” unless The Creator intervenes
The Human Condition is Controversy Related
Because the battle exists between God and Satan. And because we’re infected with the sin virus. Life (or what we'll call the “human condition”) is difficult!
The Human Condition is the totality of the human experience seen in these three areas:
Life Journey: Major milestones from birth to death, things like: childhood, education, graduations, relationships, marriage, divorce, children, retirement, etc. And within that framework, all other life experiences we face: things as simple as a positive interaction with a stranger at a grocery store. Or something as traumatic as being in a series car accident where you experience the death of a loved one
Medical Condition: It also includes any medical issues we may experience during our lifetime, and the impact it has on our ability to function as well as our emotional wellbeing
Mental Health: The way we think, feel and behave in response to the life experiences we go through
To Be Human Is to Worship
Simply put - God created us to be a race of beings that worshipped Him. It wasn’t forced worship. He ensured that we had the freedom to choose for, or against Him. Unfortunately, we tested His offer and chose against Him.
The simple thing would have been for God to eliminate the human race and start over right? WRONG! This would have completely gone against the freedom of choice concept. And the rest of the universe would no longer feel that freedom. Instead they would see it as a new precedent - that freedom only exists if you choose correctly…
This is why the sin virus wasn’t eradicated immediately. It has to play itself out so we are 100% sure we never want it to exist again. Only then can God intervene and “fix” the problem we got ourselves into.
With God no longer being physically present, it is much harder for us to worship Him. And as time has gone on, those who drifted away from God, or never believed in Him to begin with, have redirected their worship to things the world has to offer.
There are thousands of things that will accept our worship, but here are just a few of the obvious ones:
Money, wealth and possessions
Fame, fortune, success
Careers, status, intelligence
Health & Wellness (Our bodies)
Sports, athletics
Substances (Alcohol, drugs, etc.)
Another person (Spouse, celebrity, etc.)
Our kids (Living through them and their successes)
Transcend Human suggests that the only true form of worship, and the only way you’ll ever fill that void in your heart, is to worship your Creator.
Transcending Human
There are two ways we can respond to the Human Condition:
Earthly/Human View: Tends to be reactionary, survival of the fittest, get as much as you can, as long as you’re happy, etc.
The Higher View (or “Transcendent” View): Tends to be proactive, starting with a plan, deciding ahead of time, making decisions based on a set of guidelines, looking out for the good of others, living with purpose, etc.
Those interested in the “transcendent” route will likely go through the following steps:
Become Self Aware: Stop living day-to-day, reacting to what the world throws at you. Instead, take time to understand big picture concepts like Controversy Theory, the Sin Virus, and the Human Condition
Develop a Plan: Based on this knowledge, create a plan of attack. What are things you will continue to do? What are things you plan to stop doing? Choose to become a Lifelong Learner, and make a list of the things you’d like to learn in the near future
Live It Out: Put into practice the things you have resolved to do. Keep doing the things that you identified as good. Stop doing the things you identified as being a waste of time, or detrimental in some way. And start working through your list of new things to learn
Pass It On/Pay It Forward: Transcend Human isn’t a level of enlightenment you reach as a person. It isn’t like sitting in a Zen pose at the top of a mountain and tuning out the world. It is living with a new purpose - allowing your newfound outlook on life to spread to those around you. First, by treating people differently. And also by sharing the things you have learned so others can Transcend Human.
The Most Important Choice
We will make millions of choices throughout our lifetimes. Things as simple as what to wear in the morning. Things as important as who we will marry. And there is everything in-between. But there is one choice that stands above all of these - the choice we make in the Controversy between God and Satan.
And here are your options:
Team God
Team Satan
Choosing Not to Choose
Choosing Team Satan is choosing the following:
Live for this life only (roughly 79 years in the United States in 2019)
“Doing what feels good”
Focus on happiness – make it your ultimate goal
The world revolves around you
Once you die – life just ceases to exist (Or in the Christian view – you are forever separated from God)
Choosing NOT to Choose:
This is subtle, but choosing NOT to choose is really a choice for Team Satan
As Satan is the ruler of this world, doing nothing is saying, “I’m good with things the way they are.”
God is the one asking us to come apart – to make a decision to follow Him
Because His ways are different from those of the world, He’s calling us to more than the world has to offer
Choosing Team God is choosing the following:
Acknowledging that God is our Creator
Accepting His free gift of eternal life (life after death)
Turning control of our lives over to Him
Believing that because He created us, He knows what is best for us
Allowing Him to show us where we need to change
Changing our outlook and putting others before ourselves
The Controversy Will End
The good news is that the Controversy will end. This battle isn’t an eternal battle that will continue on forever.
The Sin Virus will be completely obliterated. And the Human Condition will give way to a new paradigm.
And based on our choice in the Controversy, there will be two very different outcomes:
Heaven (Forever with God): For those who chose Team God, we will forever be with Him. We will experience Heaven, and will live on a new Earth, completely transformed back to its original, pristine glory. All of the negative things will be gone. Pain, suffering, hatred, violence, racism, etc. All gone - leaving us in a state of peace we can’t even understand right now
Hell (Forever separated from God): For those who chose Team Satan (or chose NOT to choose in the Controversy) life will end. They will be forever separated from God based on the personal choice they made. It won’t be a surprise, it won’t be a smoke and mirrors thing, or a bait and switch thing. All of us have the same freedom of choice. And God - true to His word - will simply honor that choice