191 | TTT015: New Plan Initiated
This week we discuss going in a whole new direction. Stepping away from the Trilogy in order to focus on a Standalone - though one with strong ties back to the Big Idea.
190 | TTT014: Rethinking Everything
This week we discuss my continued work on Act I of my WIP. But then things take a strange turn as I wrestle with my progress, and the idea of writing a separate book first.
189 | TTT013: Live Writing Masterclass & The Story Grid Blueprint
This week we discuss a live master class I attended and the existential crisis it created for me regarding my Big Idea.
188 | TTT012: Harry Potter Masterwork Analysis & My Writing Progress
This week we discuss Story Grid Resources, the Harry Potter Masterwork Analysis Guide, and recent progress on my WIP.
187 | TTT011 | New Ground, New Problems & New Ideas
This week we discuss editing existing content vs. creating new content. I identify some problems along the way. And we discuss some new resources I found since our last time together.
186 | TTT010 | Writing the Hemingway
This week I talk about my writing style, where it came from, and how I use the HemingwayApp in order to keep myself in check. We also talk through the first Sequence, and discuss a World Building snag I ran into.
185 | TTT009 | Here We Go!
This week I make it official. I start writing again. Not planning, not plotting, not outlining - just straight up writing. Yes, there will be ongoing research, and outlining in order to ensure the story heads in the right direction. But this week I wrote my first scene - and I can't tell you how good it feels to be back at it.
184 | TTT008 | Internal vs. External Storylines
This week we stop short - to explore a new concept that is challenging my original plotting style. The idea that it is better to develop an Internal Storyline first - then add the External Storyline ONLY to ensure that the internal change happens correctly in your Protagonist. It's a different way of looking at things - but it also sounds right to me.
183 | TTT007 | World Building 101
This week we move into world building - something I completely forgot about until I realized my story takes place 100 years in the future. So yes - world building is going to be a prerequisite...
182 | TTT006 | Lost In Planning Mode
This week we continue to plan - or plot - whatever works for you. We discuss how planning can make a mess and that you can get lost in the process. But with every mess comes new possibilities - new opportunities for growth and progress toward your goal.
181 | TTT005 | The Big Idea
This week we look at the Big Idea itself. We start high level with Genre and Story Structure - then discuss a few categories the story falls into - and eventually we talk turkey - on what the story looks like.
180 | TTT004 | Outlining & Planning
This week we look a bit closer at some of the novel plotting methodologies. Then I discuss the strategy I've chosen - and round things out by talking through the spreadsheet I'm going to use to plan out the entire trilogy.
179 | TTT003 | Plotting vs. Pantsing
This week we look at two high level writing styles. I bet you can't tell which camp I'm in. Yes - I'm a Plotter - and in this episode I discuss the rationale behind my plan for book outlining.
178 | TTT002 | Choking On My Big Idea
This week we look at the writing process. How many people successfully write a novel? And how much harder would it be to write a trilogy? We wrap things up by talking about math - and the Math of Storytelling.
177 | TTT001 | The Back Story
Here we go! Our first official episode documenting my journey writing a fiction novel. This week we kick things off with The Back Story. How drinking isn't always a bad thing, how I made progress without much effort and how I stalled out early on.