157 | TE001 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 1 | The Doomsday Clock
This week we start a new series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We discuss the Doomsday Clock, and the difference between Scientific Eschatology and Religious or Spiritual Eschatology.
153 | Transcending Tunnel Vision
This week we discuss tunnel vision. When we narrow our focus - and get too caught up in something - at the expense of everything else. Politics, religion, social media and even a focus on the End of Time. So how do we exit these tunnels in order to get living again?
129 | Transcendent Deconstruction - Part 3: Culture, Politics & Religion
Welcome back to our new series on deconstruction. This week we take a little detour to talk about politics and religion. Separation of church and state, our dark past and the tendency to forget the past - and head straight back to the things that got us into trouble.