167 | TE011 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 11 | More Sets of 7
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We move from the 7 Churches to the 7 Seals and then into the 7 Trumpets. Are we tired of the number 7 yet?!
166 | TE010 | Transcending Eschatology | Part 10 | The Right Bookend & The 7 Churches
This week we continue in our series on Eschatology - or the study of End Time events. We jump into the Right Bookend - the Book of Revelation and have a conversation about the 7 Churches.
131 | Transcendent Deconstruction - Part 5: The Transcendent Future
Welcome back to the final episode in our series on deconstruction. This week we wrap things up by discussing some of our most important questions, the Big Rocks that led us to deconstruct and how this growing deconstruction movement could actually fit into Bible prophecy.