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TP10 | Transcendent Parenting | Ruthless Parenting Assessment - Part 2

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TP10 | Transcendent Parenting | Ruthless Parenting Assessment - Part 2 Daryl McMullen

Date: October 25, 2021

Welcome back!

We are coming to the end of our series called Transcendent Parenting.

For those of you following along we're on our ninth episode! Can you believe it?!

For those of you just joining, here's where we've been so far:

Week 1: First things first - Strong Marriage
Week 2: Parenting isn't optional - Parenting is a high calling and that you have to be all in
Week 3: Parenting through the stages - Looking at the stages of development from infant to adult
Week 4: Parenting plan of attack - Being proactive vs. reactive in our parenting
Week 5: Sell your helicopter - what it could look like to stop being a helicopter parent
Week 6: Making Memories - how to turn negative events into memories you'll laugh about later
Week 7: Prep for launch - how to ensure they're ready to fly the coop
Week 8: The After Life - what it looks like to have adult children and join the parenting community

This Week: We're changing things up. We're calling it a Ruthless Parenting Assessment. Which basically means we're going to do a panel discussion with our kids - to see what they had to say about the content we covered in the series.

We sat around the dining room table and just had a good conversation. One that turned into 2h worth of content...

So this week we're actually releasing two episodes in one week. Both are around an hour - but both are connected - part of the same original conversation.

We're going to skip the Minute of Parenting I believe it will get fairly transparent in and of itself...


Here are the last 5 questions we walked through:

  1. In Week 6 we talked about Making Memories:

    • This included spending quality time with you AND quantities of time with you

    • Scheduling weekends, family days and vacations in order to make sure we were growing closer as a family

      1. What do you think about the time we spent - looking back - was it a positive part of your childhood?

      2. Do you feel we missed the mark in this area? And if so, what part did you not like?

  2. Week 7 was all about us Preparing You For Launch:

    • Teaching you what you needed to know in order to leave home successfully

    • Things like the Golden Rule

    • The importance of being a Lifelong Learner

    • Always doing your best

    • Teaching you about God - and encouraging you to make it a part of your life

    • Teaching you to respect people, and be willing to help the underdog - those who don't live with all the privileges we do

    • Basic skills for living

    • The importance of money, and how to manage it

      1. Do you feel we prepared you (or that we are preparing you) to leave home and be successful in life?

      2. Are there some areas we skipped, or didn't spend enough time on?

  3. One of the things mom and I have always said is that we will know we were successful as parents if:

    • You want to be around us when you leave home

    • And, if you want to be around each other when you leave home

    • To us - this means we taught you that love is important and that family is important

      1. Where are we at on this as of right now - today?

      2. What could we have done more of, or better in order to achieve this goal?

  4. Looking back at the way we parented - what are some things you would change?

    • Things that make you say, "When I'm a parent - I'm not going to do that!"

  5. And finally, looking back at the way we parented - what are some things you're thankful we did the way we did?

    • Things that make you say, "When I'm a parent - I will most certainly do that the way my parents did it!"

Let's Land the Plane:

This being the last episode in the series - there are no follow up questions - only a bunch of thank you's...

First off - Tammy and I want to thank our kids for being willing to jump on with us today and be put on the spot like that:

  • We can't begin to tell you how proud we are of them

  • Not because we did such a great job parenting… :)

  • But because of who they turned out to be despite our parenting!

  • Tammy and I understand that our parenting is a drop in the bucket compared to the things God wants to do through them in the future

Next, I want to thank my wife for taking the time out of her crazy schedule to be here for this entire series! 10 episodes!

  • It was so fun putting this together with you

  • I love that we were able to share all of this content with our listeners, and that by putting it out there - someone might find help and support in this difficult calling to be parents

And finally - a special thanks to all of you - for hanging out with us during this series!

Have a great week - and as always - keep Transcending Human...


  • None this week…