Transcend Human

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TH Insider | June 9, 2021

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TH Insider | June 9, 2021 Daryl McMullen

Welcome to a special, midweek version of the Transcend Human Podcast.

We hope your week is going well, and that you're finding time to think more deeply about the concepts we address each and every week.

It is Wednesday, June 9, 2021.

So fun to be jumping in here in the middle of the week.

This is NOT going to be a regular thing, so don't get used to it! However, I thought it might be fun to do it every now and then for a couple reasons:

  1. To get some housekeeping stuff out of the way

  2. To bring you up to speed on what's going on around here at Transcend Human

And in order to make it obvious that these are short, one off episodes, I'm going to refer to them as the TH Insider episodes - because they include Insider Information about Transcend Human...

Sound good? Awesome...I'll take that as a yes...

On the Agenda for Today:

  1. Transcendent Parenting

  2. Conscience Driven Therapy

  3. BYOT


I think I we talked briefly about this at the beginning of the 2nd Season of the podcast. I took time between Season 1 and Season 2 to dream about the next year's content, and a parenting series was at the top of my list!

But here it is June already! And though the podcast has been going strong each and every week - still no Transcendent Parenting Series...

So I thought it would be good to give you an update:

  • I asked my wife, Tammy, to be part of the series, and she graciously agreed to join me

  • This was awesome - and at the same time a bit daunting

  • All previous episodes have been me, myself and I - and it's hard enough getting those three to play nice together...

  • So adding a new person to the show, and changing up the format a bit in order to work for both of us has been challenging

  • But - we are having a blast learning, and figuring it out as we go

  • I'm happy to say that we've knocked out three episodes already and can't wait to work through a few more

  • Once we're in a good rhythm, and have the bulk of the episodes in the can - we'll air the first episode and then release them each week as the episode for that week

  • Again - we can't wait to share them with you!


The other series I talked about at the beginning of the year was Conscience Driven Therapy.

Again - so stoked to get moving on this - but at this point we're placing the priority on Transcendent Parenting.

Tammy and I both believe that the content on parenting is crucial right now. 2020 walked us through things like COVID, racism, political unrest, masking, social distancing, economic disaster, online school - just to name a few things...

Our immediate fear when schools shut down was the health and wellbeing of kids from unstable homes. Kids who all but disappeared, and were no longer tracked or seen on a daily basis by teachers and other school personnel.

Our hearts broke for these kids, and we knew that if only the parents of these kids had some handles - some practical tools for creating a safe home environment - that these kids would stand a better chance of making it through without a scratch.

And so the push for the parenting series and getting it out first.

But soon on the heels of the parenting series - I can't wait to get working on CDT.

It's near and dear to my heart - as it has always been the next step in the progression of my original manuscript for Controversy Theory.

CT was the high level theory behind the human condition - and the battle that exists between God and Satan.

CDT is to be the handles, the tools to help us take that information and apply it to our daily lives.

Call it a clinical manual for providing therapy to spiritual clients. Or call it a self help book from which to build your world view and life strategy.

Either way - it is meant to operationalize the original theory.

So I can't wait to get into that content. I have an entire book fleshed out in outline format. So we'll start with a podcast episode for each chapter like we did for CT and then see where that leads us. Maybe someday it will get fully fleshed out and you'll see it on the shelves of a local bookstore.

// 3. BYOT

This is something I mentioned a few episodes ago.

Right now I'm the one coming up with all of the content on the podcast:

  • As I go through my day something will pop into my head - an idea, or a question

  • I'll take it, roll it through the Transcend Human filter

  • Turn it into a topic and flesh out the elements of the topic

  • Then write the content around it, and record the episode

At this point I have I have over 15 topics like this in the hopper - percolating so to speak.

But I've realized I don't want this to be a one way conversation.

TH started so I could get a bunch of stuff out of my head and into the stratosphere. But I don't want that to be the only piece of it:

  • I would LOVE to hear your feedback

  • I would love to hear questions you have

  • I would love to hear topics you think would be interesting

Yes...I want you to BYOT - Bring Your Own Topic!

So how can you do that?

Simple - shoot us an email to

There's no better way to connect with us - and there's no better way to take charge of your own experience. If this becomes a two-way conversation - there's no telling where we can go and what we can achieve!

Well, that's it for today - thanks for tuning in to the inaugural episode of TH Insider.

Have a great rest of the week - and see you on Monday!