Transcend Human

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046 | Transcending Doomsday Scenarios

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046 | Transcending Doomsday Scenarios Daryl McMullen

January 25, 2021

Minute of Transparency: What level of chaos are you ok with?

This Week's Topic: Transcending Doomsday Scenarios

In this episode:

  1. Doomsday?

  2. Hollywood's On Board

  3. The Internal Story Arc

  4. Smoke & Mirrors

  5. Seeing the Forest for the Trees


So what is doomsday anyway? What are we referring to here?

Well, I picked the word doomsday or doomsday scenarios simply because it sounds ominous...

I could have titled the episode:

  • Transcending the End of Time

  • Transcending End Times

  • Transcending the Apocalypse (Ooh...that actually might have worked too...)

  • Transcending Armageddon

  • Transcending the End of the World

  • You get the picture...

But I chose the concept of doomsday or doomsday scenarios for the following reasons:

  • It fits well with the way the world talks about the end of time

  • The other terms are more widely used by people of faith

  • Movies about the world ending are often categorized as doomsday scenarios or doomsday movies

  • So it just seemed to fit

However, if we get super technical - I'm not a fan of the word doomsday - but I'll get into that later...

So we've pretty much established that doomsday, end of time, the apocalypse and Armageddon are all similar in nature.

And while I'm no expert in this field - I have spent a sizable chunk of time reading, researching and studying up on various scenarios people have regarding the end of all things.

The technical term for this is Eschatology - defined by as:

  • "any system of doctrines concerning last, or final, matters, as death, the Judgment, the afterlife, etc."

  • "the branch of theology dealing with such matters."

So the study of the End Times, or the Last Days.

And it's not just me that has a fascination with the end of time. A huge percentage of the population has at least thought about it - and come up with their version of how the world could end.

And politics certainly doesn't shy away from this concept. In fact, over the last four years, many of the decisions made in the Trump administration can be tied to religious beliefs about the end of time.

Don't believe me? Would you believe Alex Morris, a contributing editor at Rolling Stone Magazine?

In October of last year she wrote the article: Donald Trump: The End-Times President - which outlines some of these beliefs and the connections he had to the religious community - specifically those who believe in what's called "rapture theology."

An interesting read - and eye-opening when you consider the fact that our entire country (at times) is being run by people with pretty specific beliefs about the end of time.

To some - that's what they've always wanted! It's great! And they feel a strong connection to the government for that reason.

Bust what if that isn't your belief about the end of time? What if your belief is slightly different than the belief driving your government and its decisions? Well now - that's a whole different story. And a scary one at that.

This is why the founding fathers believed in something called, "Separation of Church and State."

And while it isn't called out specifically in the Constitution using these terms - the writers of the Constitution made it clear in supplemental articles, that this was their intent.

Which makes perfect sense given the way our country came to be - people escaping religious persecution in Europe!

Why wouldn't they do everything in their power to set up a government where this type of persecution was no longer possible?!


Perhaps one of the biggest proponents of the end of time however, is Hollywood.

Why? Well, I'm sure there are many reasons - but the obvious reason is money.

There is big money in doomsday movies. All it took was for the first few to be released and studied. And based on their success there has been a steady market for them ever since.

Prior to the 1050's you had movies like:

  • The End of the World

  • Deluge

  • Things to Come

In the 1960's movies like:

  • Battle of the Worlds

  • The Day the Earth Caught Fire

  • Planet of the Apes

In the 80's:

  • The Day After

  • Escape From New York

  • The Seventh Sign

  • Mad Max (Parts 2 and 3)

  • The Terminator

And the number of movies produced each decade just keeps getting higher and higher.

From 2010-2019 Wikipedia lists 200 movies based on apocalyptic or doomsday scenarios. And who knows if that list is even complete!

Wikipedia has another page where it lists what it calls Disaster Films: and these are broken out into categories like Manmade Disasters, Natural Disasters, End of Days, Epidemics and Pandemics, etc.

Obviously - if we weren't fascinated with the way the world could end - Hollywood wouldn't be producing these movies!

Hollywood's decisions are most often tied to how much money a movie will make, and how accepted it will be with the masses.

Think about some of the most loved series of all time:

  • Star Wars

  • Lord of the Rings

  • Harry Potter

  • Marvel's Avengers

Each series has it its core a storyline where the antagonist is out to destroy the world and the protagonist has to stop it from happening:

  • In Star Wars, the Jedi must triumph over the nefarious plans of the Galactic Empire - led by Sith Lords like Darth Vader

  • In The Lord of the Rings, Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring must return the ring to Mordor to destroy it in order to keep Sauron from using it to destroy the Earth

  • In Harry Potter, Harry and his two friends work together to stop Voldemort from rising to power and destroying life as they know it

  • And finally, in the Avengers, a group of super heroes is forced to work together to defeat Thanos - and keep him from removing half the population of the universe

Interesting right? How some of the biggest movies and movie franchises have at their core a storyline that is apocalyptic in nature? Doomsday scenarios that may be science fiction, or fantasy based - but still ring true for us, and feed our fascination with our own world - and how it could end...


So what is this fascination with the doomsday scenario? Where did it come from? And why does it seem to have such a hold on us?

Well, what if I told you it is a cosmic story arc? A universal plot that is as old as the earth itself?

A storyline that is so ingrained in the fabric of this world that we find it within us somehow. Almost part of our psyche, or operating system as humans.

Some of us are keenly aware of it - and use it as a filter through which to assess and navigate the world. Others have it lying dormant within them - living each day only subconsciously aware of the fact that it's there.

So what is this universal story arc? The Controversy of course!

The epic battle that exists in the universe between God, the Creator, and Satan, the created being. And the Biblical narrative surrounding this battle. How Satan wants to destroy the world out of revenge, and how God sends Jesus to rescue us from that eventuality. At its core - it is a doomsday scenario - one that we're all part of.

All of this is in the Bible:

  • Jesus (though still partly God) is the main protagonist

  • Lucifer (becoming Satan) is the antagonist

  • But where this story supersedes every other literary work of action, epic fantasy, etc. is that there are layers leading directly to you the reader:

    • What do I mean by this?

    • Well, one layer is what I would call the umbrella story - the main plot in the Bible

    • This is the one we just talked about where Jesus is the protagonist and Satan the antagonist

    • Then there are a bunch of other layers - or subplots within the book

    • However - these subplots are still tied back to the main plot

    • Examples: The story of Jonah and the whale, Joseph and the coat of many colors, Gideon and his 300 men, etc.

    • Each story has it's own protagonist and antagonist - but fit nicely into the main plot - the overarching controversy between God and Satan

    • And finally, the layer that includes us - the layer other books just can't match

    • Sure, you can pretend with other books. You can pretend that you are the protagonist and that it's you experiencing the Hero's Journey - eventually saving the world from utter destruction

    • But only in the Bible is this actually true - in real life

    • We can each place ourselves into the story as protagonists

    • Each of us in real life are walking through a story arc that includes good and evil, important decisions, high points and low points, the moment of utmost despair where all hope is lost

    • And we have the ability to win the war, save our little world and live forever

  • How crazy is that?! Right?

    • The fact that the story is real - is what makes it different from anything Hollywood puts out

    • It's what makes it internal - part of our human operating systems

    • It's original programming that we can uncover as we mature and grow

    • As we work to Transcend Human we become more and more aware of the fact that this story is at the core of everything in life

So back to the doomsday scenarios and how people seem drawn to them.

I've talked a lot about people who are fascinated by these stories and love books and movies capturing their essence.

But there are also people who have no desire to read these books or watch these movies.

At first I just assumed it was a preference thing. I mean I have preferences. I'm not a huge fan of the stereotypical rom com - and I have zero desire to watch horror movies.

So I assumed it was the same thing - just preference.

But the more and more I thought about it, and after having conversations with people about it, I realized something. There may be more to this than just preference. In fact, there's a chance that doomsday scenarios frighten people. Not the way horror movies are meant to frighten. But frighten nonetheless.

Perhaps because some of them seem so real - like it could happen a year from now. Natural disaster movies like Deep Impact, Armageddon, 2012, San Andreas, The day After Tomorrow, etc.

Each offers a plausible if not scientific explanation as to how our world could come crashing down.

And that's a whole different type of frightened. It's a higher level of fear because it seems possible, like it could happen to us in our lifetime.

So I think there are a lot of people that stay away from doomsday scenarios for this reason. They just hit too close to home.


Now before I get into this section let me be clear. I love a good story - whether it's a book, or a movie or a play. And doomsday scenarios are at the top of my list.

But as I've matured, and come to understand the true nature of the world we live in, I've developed a filter through which all of these stories pass.

As we begin to Transcend Human - we realize that there is a fine line between sacred and profane, worldly and otherworldly, good and evil if you will. 

The Bible suggests that we be IN the world, but not OF the world. Proof again that there must be a fine line somewhere that we need to be aware of.

And doomsday scenarios are just one of the things we need to filter as potentially harmful to us.

Now I'm not suggesting the random doomsday movie is sinister in some way - that the director or producer sat down in a dark room, and with evil intent sought to create something that would harm us as viewers.

No! My assumption is that these stories simply unfold through an honest creative process. Someone gets a crazy idea for a book or movie and fleshes it out. And since we all come from different religious, political, racial and ethnic backgrounds - these storylines are bound to be as diverse as ever.

However! Just because our ideas may not be harmful - doesn't mean the antagonist in our story can't use them for his purposes.

Satan absolutely LOVES the fact that there are so many doomsday scenarios out there. And while he didn't write the manuscripts and hand them over to Hollywood himself, there is a chance he influenced and guided people in small ways in order to keep this flow of ideas going.

So what does he stand to gain from the proliferation of doomsday scenarios?

Well, let's just call it Smoke & Mirrors. By putting an ocean of content out there about the way the world could end, it makes it harder and harder for some people to remain focused on how it will end.

It's diluting the main story - the one that is real. And for many - this ocean of of ideas and concepts serve only to confuse, distract and misinform them about the inevitable climax coming to our world.


So what does this all mean?

Do we throw the baby out with the bathwater? Do we stop reading books or watching movies altogether?

I don't think so. But I think each of us needs to prioritize things in our lives before we engage in this type of content.

Here's a simple workflow:

  • STEP 1: Understand the real story first

    • The story presented in the Bible

    • The one with God, Jesus, Satan, Joseph and You

    • The one that includes the ultimate doomsday scenario

    • Read it. Understand it. And make sure you're solid on the fact that it is real - it is the truth

  • STEP 2:

    • Read books. Watch movies. See plays.

    • But now you have a filter through which to consume this content

    • You've already decided for yourself what the true doomsday scenario is

    • So everything else can be appreciated as art

    • People's ideas that are fleshed out as books or movies

    • Meant to entertain and be enjoyed in your free time

What I've found is that this actually heightens the experience for me.

You would think, knowing the doomsday scenario is wrong would make you want to walk out of the theater. Right?

Not at all! In fact, having a solid foundation - a belief in the real story - allows me to experience the movie for what it is - entertainment and art.

I find myself fascinated with subplots, characters, relationships, and the grandeur of the storytelling. All appreciated for what they are.

But all passed through the filter of the real story.

Let’s Land the Plane:

Moving forward, as you engage the world around you through books, plays and movies. As you consume doomsday scenarios in any form - ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Where are you at in terms of the End of Time?

    • Do you have a solid set of beliefs about it?

    • Have you done your own research?

    • Have you read the real story - the one in the Bible?

  2. How do doomsday scenarios impact you?

    • Are you able to filter them through an understanding of the real story?

    • Or do they toss you about in a sea of ideas - adding confusion about your future?

My hope for each of us is that we're able to take a step back and make sure we have the real story in the front seat. That we understand it. That we see how important it is to our daily lives, and that it can serve as the filter for anything else we see, hear or watch about the End of Time.

Until next time everyone, have a great week, and keep Transcending Human!
