Sheltering In Place & Asking Questions

[In order to keep future podcast episodes from getting too long I decided to just blog about this.]
The image above tells the story pretty well. Restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, bars - all closed due to the current pandemic.
The Coronavirus, or COVID-19 as the scientists call it, is settling in for the long haul. With each passing day the number of infected is rising, the death toll climbs and restrictions are added to our daily lives.
It feels like people across the globe are standing around with their mouths hanging open - shocked at how fast the entire world can be thrown into chaos. And we still don’t fully understand it. We’re all asking, “What’s next?!”
At times like these, we all feel a little shaken. But none more than those who struggle with anxiety on a normal day. These people experience a heightened sense of this anxiety (fear/dread) and it can reach a fever pitch when answers are not readily available.
And then there are those with religious backgrounds who are quick to jump to this conclusion: The end of time is upon us! Jumping on the “End Times Hysteria Train.”
Now I’m not bashing these people. Not everyone who shows an interest in the end times is prone to hysteria. In fact, eschatology is an important part of my story. Back when I was in my mid 20’s I spent a fair amount of time reading books and articles, and watching movies and documentaries that dealt with the end times. I loved it, and definitely got caught up in it for a while.
I mean, anytime there is an event like 9/11, a massive earthquake, the 2018 fires in California, and now the Coronavirus - people start drawing conclusions - and it begins to feel like the world is falling apart.
For me, I eventually let go of my interest in the end times stuff. I got married, had kids, got caught up in my career, and it all started to fade into my past. Which is funny, because I feel like my parents told a similar tale. They too went from interested/excited to distracted during the family years. Only to return to it later in life when things calmed down.
So I guess I find myself right in the middle:
I’m interested because I did do a lot of research on the end of time when I was younger
But I’m definitely not interested enough to get on a soap box and start preaching that the sky is falling…
In Summary
These are definitely interesting times. In my lifetime, there has never been a mass shutdown, school/business closings, quarantines, shelter in place orders - not to mention the mass resource hoarding we’ve seen!
And while it is a bit unsettling, this too shall pass…
Next year we’ll either:
Look back and marvel at the level of crazy we we’re capable of
Or, we’ll look back with extreme sadness - thankful to be alive (if COVID-19 continues its devastating campaign and is not easily stopped)
But whatever the case…Transcend Human suggests the following:
The Coronavirus is just another one of Satan’s attempts to win in the Controversy.
I’m not saying he actually engineered the virus and released it into the world - but through sin, and the fallen nature of this world, he has a certain influence. And over time, this evil that is in the world boils over in a variety of ways. The Earth itself is groaning as an aged human would after walking up a large flight of stairs.
Earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, fires, viruses, financial crisis, mass shootings, etc. It’s a fragile planet we live on.
But if you’re feeling anxious, or like the world is going to end, be comforted by the following:
We have a level of control nobody can take away from us, and it should be liberating
We are able to choose between Good and Evil in the Controversy
This should bring a level of peace to each and every person who believes it
Regardless what happens in this world, God is on the throne - the universal throne - and has a level of control Satan can only dream of
And…if you’ve chosen God in the Controversy - you’re as safe as you’ll ever be
So take care of yourself, love each other well and be encouraged in these strange times!